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Goals in the Sales Industry

What do you want to do? How are you going to get there? As in industry, the aim of the game is to always improve. Look to the future and try and find yourself in 5 years. Where are you in 10? How about 20 years? If you like what you see, keep that as […]

Strategy in the Sales Industry

As we all know, this weekend is Super Bowl weekend. The top teams in the nation are coming head to head to prove who has earned the highest award in the NFL. How did they get there? They have had the execution and the drive to get there, but what we don’t see (except on […]

Performance in the Sales Industry

Performance in the Sales Industry: In the past couple articles, I’ve mentioned success numerous times. What ties everything in to achieve success? The answer is performance. It seems obvious, but performing at your highest level brings results. When working your hardest, good things come your way. The time you put in before your big sales […]

Influence in the Sales Industry

Being able to influence others is one of the most important skills a salesperson should have in their toolbox. With any given customer, having the ability to sway them towards your product or service, even if they don’t realize they have a need for it. Creating that need is vital. How we do that varies […]

Mindset in the Sales Industry

Mindset in the Sales Industry: Being a younger salesperson, not having ended high school yet, I definitely get a little different take on the industry. For me, being certified opens doors and brings credibility to the table. At first glance, I’m “some kid” trying to make it in the sales world. Having to push that […]