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How to Increase Sales and attract customers with brilliant Referrals

Referrals: Are you asking? Of your most satisfied customers of 2014, how many of those customers have you asked for a referral? Most sales and business people never ask for referrals. Those that do often ask when it’s too late — and make a fatal mistake when asking for them (more on that later). Yet […]

How Listening is crucial to your Sales Success

Listening is a vital skill that is often neglected and yet is crucial to your sales success. Be aware of the five stages of effective listening and get into the habit of recognising and practising these stages; 1. Hearing — taking in the sound. 2. Listening — Really paying attention and trying to make sense […]

If you don’t achieve sales success in 2015, what will happen to your business in 2016?

What will happen to your business in 2015 if you don’t get enough sales? What comes up for you when you think about selling your services or products? Do you feel upbeat, positive and ready to share the wonders of what you do? Or do you feel dread, doubt, fear or a combination of negative […]

Want sales success but working too hard?

Whether your job is selling, or managing those that do sell, or a combination of the two, there’s a fair chance you’re working long hours. Maybe too long?Are you spending long hours on motorways way after 7pm driving to and from meetings? Are you burning the midnight oil draped over a laptop with a strong […]

Sales is not about Selling

What does that mean — Selling is not about selling? It means simply the art of selling has moved on from the ‘always be closing’, ‘sell anything to anyone and to hell with the consequences’ era. My thesaurus says selling is about ‘persuading someone to buy’. Persuading? Not in my book. No one should be […]

Is Your Unconscious Mind Sabotaging Your Sales Success?

Is Your Unconscious Mind Sabotaging Your Sales Success? Who is your inner critic? Is Your Unconscious Mind Sabotaging Your Sales Success?: You know, that little voice in your head that says things like “you’ll never hit your target this month” or “I told you so” or “you never were any good at presentations”. We all […]

Sales Success? Their Chunk Size Does Matter!

Sales Success? Their Chunk Size Does Matter!: Have you ever been at a meeting when someone is talking about his or her vision for the organisation and somebody interrupts to announce that there are no loo rolls in the gents? Have you ever been bored at a presentation — when all you wanted was an […]

Are You Listening Out There? — How to Increase Sales Selling

Listening is a vital skill that is often neglected and yet is crucial to your sales success Be aware of the five stages of effective listening and get into the habit of recognising and practising these stages; 1. Hearing — taking in the sound. 2. Listening — Really paying attention and trying to make sense […]

10 Reasons Why Sales Managers Lose Their Jobs

After years of The Sales Consultancy getting called into improve companies’ sales, experience suggests there’s a good chance your team could be off the standard required. That’s why I list below my 10 Reasons Why Sales Managers Lose Their Jobs. Check you and your team against these common mistakes in sales. Nobody does it on […]

Want to excel at selling? Increase your resilience first — here’s how

How resilient are you? Reading a recent newspaper article by Adrian Furnham, professor of psychology at University College London, reminded me of just how importance resilience is when it comes to achieving success. In fact I would go as far as to say that you would struggle to succeed in anything without resilience. Especially in […]