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Persistence and Determination

The Power is in You     Persistence and determination are attributes that successful people have shared throughout human history. Tenacity is the hallmark of a champion. Determined individuals continue to pursue a goal or an outcome even when difficult. Everything doesn’t just fall in your lap in life. To realize your goals and to […]

Raising The Glass Ceiling

How to Use Your Emotional Intelligence to Manage and Overcome Fear and Drive Results Who would have thought that it would have taken me half my life to finally figure out that I can trampoline my life to a new level of success and inner happiness just by understanding and acknowledging that I need to […]

Keep Calm and Manage Difficult Clients

Hard to deal with or manage defines “difficult” in the Merriam Webster Dictionary. If you are a Consultant in the service industry you will know from experience that managing Clients’ behavior and expectations is an art and ideally you want to set expectations from the beginning of the Client relationship so that you can develop […]

White Glove Service and Client Retention

How to retain top clients to achieve excellence Marked by special care or attention is the definition of “white glove service” in the Merriam Webster Dictionary. It takes decades of industry experience, surrounding yourself with fellow leaders and providing ultimate care and attention to Clients to get to the ‘club of excellence’ in being able […]

White Glove Service and Client Retention

How to retain top clients and achieve excellence     WHITE Glove Service and Client RETENTION How to retain top clients and achieve excellence August, 2016 This article has been approved to be published as an exemplary article for the ‘Panel of Influencers’ for the National Association of Sales Professionals — An Invitational Panel that […]

Keep Calm Communicate and Become an Effective Leader

How to become an effective leader in your company and drive results Whether you are an aspiring executive or in a support role in the workplace, successful interaction and effective communication skills are a key ingredient to business success. Communication stems from the Latin word communicare, meaning to care and it is the process by […]

Striving for Customer Loyalty

In today’s economic climate consumers are scrutinizing their purchases and attempting to cut their spending. Severe pessimism of the economic climate and spending instability has triggered a shift toward thrifty consumer spending and strengthened expectations of customer satisfaction of products, goods and services. Corporate America and Fortune 500 companies need to get into “fifth gear” […]