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Based on my experience in sales I realized that there can be 4 different tactics a sales professional can adopt in the sales process based on the need of the situation. These techniques are not generally thought during our professional or academic learnings but it is learnt, understood and used in practical environment. These can be handy in both B2C and B2B environments. Some tactics are most effective in handling Govt. sector.
1. Convey: This tactics is the basic level of selling where you just convey the product information to the client to get the transaction. All you need to do is just to identify the right prospect or lead who has a need and knows that he has. The challenge in this tactic is only your basic ability to communicate clearly and precisely placing the information in the right order to the prospect. You can use this tactic when you know that the customer needs or looking for a products. Competing product knowledge is not so essential.
The following are important to use this tactic:
Your Product Knowledge Understanding Customer requirement Ability to communicate clearly and precisely
2. Convince: Is a tact that can be most effective when the prospect is has not realized or accepted that your product or solutions is the one which can full-fill his requirement. To apply this tactic effectively your understanding of customer requirement and your offering is most essential. More than just providing them information about your offerings you should be able to simplify it to the prospect on how your offering is going to full fill his requirements or needs. Competing product knowledge is also essential in applying this tactic.
Your Product Knowledge Understanding Customer requirement Ability to communicate clearly and precisely Competing product knowledge Patience in handling customer queries and converting every question in to opportunity to win the customer You belief that your offering is the best for your prospect
3. Confuse: This tactic can be used both ethically and unethically. When you strongly believe and know for sure that your offering is good for your prospect, you can use this tactic for customers advantage. When you are aware that your offering is not good for your prospect and still you are trying to push and get the transaction then it leads to unethical practice. In short, if you use this tactic for customers advantage then it is ethical if you are using it to solely for your advantage then it is unethical.
Your Product Knowledge Understanding Customer requirement Ability to communicate clearly and precisely Competing product knowledge Ability to read, control and manipulate a situation or a prospect
4. Corrupt: This is an unethical and unprofessional tactic. One should strictly avoid this tactic for winning deals. However it is essential to be aware that of this tactic as you may receive signals to implement this tactic from people who are involved in the decision or purchase process. Corrupt is a tactic where you pass on some benefit unofficially to someone to favour you an order or to ensure someone does not become a bottleneck while you still deserve the deal. Sometimes the signals comes from buyers side that one or two stake holders are expecting some personal benefit out of the deal or the sales team initiates to expedite or avoid loss of deal.
Apart from the above Maturity Trustworthiness Confidentiality Boldness
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