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by Susan Craig
To use effective sales content for remote selling, you should know the most popular types of sales content that hook users.
In digital marketing, sales content for remote selling is the informational, visual, and other data perceived by the audience:
Accounts in social networks
Email newsletters
Sales content is useful or somehow satisfying information expressed in various forms. This is everything your clients can read, see, and hear.
Companies, communities, and even opinion leaders need communication with their audiences, customers, and partners. This communication can take the form of a personal blog, email newsletters with products, presentations, etc.
Sales content forms the consumer’s idea, opinion, and impression of its producer.
When it is necessary to play on people’s emotions, bright, catchy sales content is produced, for example, viral promo videos. If you sell high-tech equipment, you use clear language for communication with narrow industry professionals through numbers and arguments.
Now let`s look at the types of sales content you can use for remote selling.
Expert articles, company news, announcements, and many stories can be the basis for sales content in article format. It’s not always enough to share a short post. Often users need detailed information on a topic, and you can only provide it in the form of an article.
It’s essential to think of a consistent structure that puts all the material in the reader’s head to disclose the topic. It is crucial to have clear but expert language that does not leave a place for incomprehension and confusion in articles. If you have trouble with this, you also can turn to any essay writer with experience in writing blog articles.
Articles should contain a lot of keywords. Thanks to this the page will be well-indexed by search algorithms. Competently placed keywords in the text, you can bring the page to the top of SERP and attract a large flow of organic traffic.
A good article encourages visitors to stay on the page longer and move to other sections. This improves behavioral performance.
Blogs may not be as formal, but they work on a similar principle. They are the same web pages that contain text. If it’s appropriately drafted, search engines like it, and they place a link to the blog high on the search engine results page.
It is also one of the varieties of articles but has its nuances. This fact clearly shows that the technical side is the same: structure, keywords, SEO.
In case studies, a company or public person shares the experience of successful interaction with customers or partners. The case studies detail the essence of the project, the approaches to its implementation, and the results achieved.
Share successful approaches
Attract the target audience
Strengthen reputation
Highlight strengths
By reading the case studies, the audience understands your strengths and how you can be helpful. When there are enough potential customers and decision-makers among your readers, you can significantly increase your business turnover. After all, if you have a precious experience described in a text, you’ll have a stream of people who want to work together or use your services.
Podcasts, audiobooks, and audio lectures are still popular these days. Visual contact is not always convenient. Someone may be behind the wheel or in another place where it’s difficult to hold a phone or computer while reading or viewing content. Then audio recordings come to the rescue. People can listen to them on the go and assimilate important information without losing quality.
Infographics translate research into understandable visuals. Because images are usually long and narrow, they are the most appropriate type of sales content for electronic devices. People simply scroll through them and read the data they need.
Presentations are a set of slides that present information conveniently compactly, with a minimum of text and a maximum of graphics. They are helpful for product presentation and educational purposes.
Presentations are suitable for reading on devices and for speaking engagements. If you have something to tell people, you should take care of the visuals, which will not tell the story for you but serve as an attractive addition.
The video forms of content for remote selling include:
The list is not limited to the above. The main thing is that video attracts attention and, for example, in the case of advertising on social networks, is much more effective than typical images or text.
Advertising is also reasonable to refer to sales content because it dramatically impacts users and is closely linked to their behavior.
Targeted and contextual advertising considers the audience’s characteristics and offers its segments relevant services that meet their most pressing needs.
Ads have a variety of representations, from native texts and Instagram posts to video interviews on YouTube.
Recently, advertising has been able to combine several functions at once. It not only sells but often educates, engages, and builds communities.
Perhaps the greatest freedom is given by your site as a platform. Here you can upload any sales content, including interactive content. The site is needed to organize information in the necessary order and volume, which is rarely available on social networks or other sites.
Depending on your offer, post the sales content that best demonstrates the benefits and encourages your audience to take action. For example, a video production website is hard to imagine without a portfolio of a showreel uploaded from YouTube or Vimeo.
And always remember a short formula for the ratio of different types of content – 20% selling content and 80% of everything else. With a dense stream of publications, it is more reasonable to use the 90/10 scheme.
Read our article “5 Ways to Prepare Yourself for Success in Sales” to drive more sales for your company!
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