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by Leigh Ashton
Are you exercising the right leadership muscles?
This week I went back to the gym after a break of over 2 weeks. You’ve probably guessed that after my weight training session on Monday my muscles were a bit sore. I groaned every time I stood up from my desk or used the stairs…and laughed to myself because I looked like I couldn’t walk properly 🙂
I was back in the gym for another weight training session on Wednesday and whilst I was still a bit sore my session actually improved the muscle ache. If you’re a regular gym goer you’ll understand what I’m talking about. I know that the more I workout the better I’ll feel both physically and mentally…and because I go regularly the quicker I get back to my best.
This got me thinking…when you don’t use muscles, they become less capable of lifting heavy weights. This is true not only for physical muscles but for mental muscles too.
What mental muscles are you not using?
What leadership activities do you least enjoy, not do too often or possibly avoid all together? It could be coaching because it’s quicker and easier to tell someone what to do, not having that difficult conversation because you don’t want to deal with the emotional response, ignoring the need for an impromptu chat when you notice one of your team seems a bit down because you have a busy schedule…the list goes on.
Every time you decide NOT to do something, that muscle of yours loses an opportunity to workout and increase its strength and capacity.
The first few times takes a lot more energy, determination and time but the more often you give that muscle a workout, the less energy and time it takes. Your leadership skills expand and deepen to have a more positive impact with your sales team.
What mental muscles do you need to let go of?
Any of your attitudes or behaviours that have a negative impact on your team need to go…bad moods, blaming others out loud, giving negative feedback in public…this list goes on too! Let that muscle of yours relax into the background and wither away.
Not only will your team be happier…so will you!
Keep working those muscles!
Today I’m going to the gym for my third weight training session this week and whilst I still have a little muscle ache, I know that I’ll feel amazing afterwards and next week will be so much easier.
Until next time,
Leigh 🙂
About the author
Hi I’m Leigh Ashton of The Sales Consultancy
Whether you’re a small business or a leading brand, an area manager or a Chief Executive, whether you’re new to sales or an experienced sales professional. Even if you’re not in sales at all but want to understand it, you’ve come to the right place.
The World of Sales is changing.
Today’s conventional sales training doesn’t address the psychological barriers that get in their way.
My approach takes your sales team through a process that:
* Helps them identify their psychological barriers and gives them the tools to overcome them * Teaches them how the mind works so they can keep motivated and stay focused * Gives them the ability to identify the psychological patterns of their clients and prospects so they connect with them at a deeper level and close more sales
And at a higher level…
* It creates more success in other areas of their lives so they are happier generally…and happier sales people generate more sales
Wherever you are on your personal sales journey what’s the best course of action for YOU.
– Sales Training – that actually gets results – Leadership and Management – Personal Coaching and Mentoring – Sales Mentoring Programme – NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and how it can help you accelerate your success – Keynote Speaking