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Common Questions and Answers
by Bob Urichuck
Have you ever been rejected? If your answer is yes, you have just proven that you are not in control of the sales process; however, the buyer is in control.
Isn’t it your job and responsibility as a sales professional to qualify the prospects and to reject them if they are not qualified?
Who is really qualifying? Who is really in control? The buyer!
Do you want to know why and how the buyer is in control? The answer is simple; buyers follow a buyers’ sales process, just like you do when meeting with a sales person. Sales people assume they are in control by answering all the questions, but in reality it is the buyer who is in control. They actually carry out the rejection, not you.
Allow me to share the buyer’s sales process with you. As a buyer, let’s pretend you know you want to buy a white shirt and your budget is $40.00. You walk into a retail outlet and
Your job as a professional sales person is not to get trapped by the buyer’s sales process, but to have a sales process which puts you in control. You want a sales process which will allow you to quickly build rapport and to gain necessary trust.
You must set parameters in order to eliminate surprises and to establish a clear and concise process which will allow you to move forward. At the same time, you must qualify the prospect with respect to buying motivators, financial ability and decision making.
When this process is complete and everything is summarized, you will be in a position to determine if the prospect is qualified or not to allow for your time, products or services. Then and only then, you can decide to proceed with a prescription or simply walk away from the sale.
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