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by Brian Roberts
“And on the eighth day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said I need a caretaker — so God made a farmer.” – Paul Harvey
“And on the eighth day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said I need a caretaker — so God made a farmer.”
– Paul Harvey
An endless string of ringing phones, overflowing email inboxes, bosses, coworkers, competitors, complaints and water-cooler gossip inundate our days. Often the stress to close a deal or get things done keeps us awake at night. In the world of selling, just like the Superbowl, there are fantastic distractions but in the end nobody is really saying or doing anything.
Until along comes someone who sticks out for how “unsalesy” they are. Someone who is simple and thoughtful. Eloquent even. Who can communicate powerfully through metaphor and story. Who is focused on their client’s improved condition as much as their own.
Paul Harvey’s riveting speech during Superbowl Sunday was not on the benefits of owning a Dodge. About the engine or the suspension. About the construction or durability. It was about people. The type of people we all want to be like. Spoken in a way that was not degrading or flashy, but real. It was spoken in a way that felt personal. It wasn’t a pitch. It was a powerful yet informal discussion.
And that is what the best sales people do.
They don’t talk about all the bells and whistles behind their offerings. They don’t communicate with “prospects” through elaborate pitches or scripts. They talk person to person. Peer-to-peer. The best salespeople speak confidently and powerfully. They command your attention. They speak on the benefits of a partnership, and talk about client aspirations and potential outcomes.
This type of behavior, despite it’s effectiveness, is a rarity in the selling profession. Sales people often act on the side of the majority, favoring slick pitches, lots of talk and less listening.
That is precisely why most salespeople are not successful.
Take a lesson from Paul Harvey and the farmers: don’t speak about what you offer or what you do. Talk about the client and their desired condition, both powerfully and informally.
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