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Influencers Invited Sales Blog

Consistent Sales – Targeting

Targeting the buyers in a B2B Sales is very important.

Companies don’t buy… People do… Reaching out to the right person is extremely important…In a very large organization, there will be so many buyers and it will be difficult to identify the decision maker we have to get in touch with.
Engaging with a junior person is a feel good factor initially because they will pick up our phones and will talk to us, they will respond to our emails and they will also ask for multiple demos. This will give us a feeling that we have begun engaging with this account.
However, getting in touch with the junior people or the wrong titled people will be a time killer . This is because of the following reasons:
They might not have the authority to make a purchase
They might not understand the product usage beyond their limited job responsibilities. This might be a bit frustrating because they will waste our time and finally will say that their boss is not interested, because they would not have been able to apply our discussions into a use case that will be useful to their company
They will take a lot of time to talk to their bosses — the decision maker and to connect them with you because they want to be double sure about how we can be useful to them.
The junior person will take the information from you but may not have the openness to admit that they are not the person or they might not care enough about the solution that they would even forward it to the right person
Hence, you will need to isolate and find those buyers within these organizations with categories such as Departments…. titles… location… responsibilities… to name a few….
This, even though, is a leading indicator, will help you connect with the right people and get a Yes or No. This will help you save a lot of time in chasing down prospects, as you will be talking to the right sets of people.
Connect with ScoVelo Consulting either through the blog or through our social media channels and get the latest insights on B2B Sales and Digital Marketing. Excited to connect with you again on the next video or the next blog…

Consistent Sales

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