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by NASP Team
There are four dynamics of energy reflective in all human interactions. Many salespeople and leaders are not aware of the impact these four dynamics have on their success. If you are not experiencing the success you desire, then most likely the energy people are sensing during interactions with you are turning them off.
The Four Dynamics of Energy:
The first dynamic is Entitlement. Entitlement is when you come from a place of expectation without a level of gratitude, exchange, or contribution in return. Someone who is operating from Entitlement comes from a place of demand. They want something from you and they do not give anything in return. They feel the mere fact that they are allowing you to interact with them or be in their life is enough.
A person at the Entitlement level feels someone is lucky to be around them and share their time. They are so focused on what they get from that person, they forget about the other person’s needs. Arrogance and significance are tied to those acting on the Entitlement level.
People who operate from a level of Entitlement hold beliefs that are self-serving and preserving, and they lack maturity.
The next level is Equal Exchange. The Equal Exchange level is when there is an expectation for something in return for what you give. Our society is built on Equal Exchange: ”If I do this, then you do that.” I will give you money for something that I see value in, and I expect to receive a good or service in return. Many times Equal Exchange comes into play when you expect something in return for what you do or give. The problem occurs when expectations are not communicated. This is where passive-aggressiveness lives.
Most people think that Equal Exchange makes sense, “If I am going to do things for people, then I have certain levels of expectation around what they are going to do for me.” The challenge with operating in Equal Exchange, is that you can start to prejudge situations based on your perception of people’s capabilities.
A leader operating in the Equal Exchange may ask things like, “Why spend your time with someone that you do not see the return on investment?” or, “Why would I build a system then let just anyone work it? ” or, “I have to be realistic; not everyone is going to make it through the journey, and I cannot spend time and energy on everyone.”
In Equal Exchange you start to anticipate what is going to happen – what you believe and expect should happen – based on what you are giving. For example, in relationships we often operate out of Equal Exchange. If I cook, you clean the dishes. If I give you a gift, you should get me a gift or send me a thank you note. There is a level of frustration that comes with that Equal Exchange, because you are giving with expectation, and you want to get something in return or first to feel okay about giving.
The third dynamic of energy is Standard. At the Standard level, you operate from a place of consistent gratitude and care for others; you give without expecting anything in return. Your pay-off is already experienced through giving, regardless of how people respond. People can be grateful or not, and it does not take away from the pleasure you experienced in giving to them.
The law of mutual exchange says that everything and anything you give to the world will come back to you. The important part is that you will not always know how or when it will come back to you. In Equal Exchange you expect it to come from the person to whom you gave, but in Standard you understand that what you give will come back in abundant, yet unknown or unexpected ways.
People are fearful to operate at the Standard level because they think it makes you weak or a pushover. In reality, you are growing and becoming more when you operate at this level. You’re not easily hurt or don’t take things personally at the Standard level because your gift is not dependent on the reaction or return of service from someone else.
Standard level is powerful because you get the opportunity to be your best self without limitations. You are not giving anything away; you are in control of your life and your attitude. You give because it is your standard, regardless of what you may or may not get in return. You want to practice this way of being with everybody.
When leading from the Standard level, teaching with a giving heart becomes the standard that you give to yourself and to others. It allows you to go to the next level and step up your game. Everyone on your team offers you an opportunity to grow and refine your leadership and influence skills. When you operate from pure intention to better the lives of others while bettering yourself, you are operating from Standard, and you will attract the right people to your life and your team.
People cannot take advantage of a gift when you expect nothing in return. You are giving because it is your standard. It is who you are. The goal is to live in Standard and believe that everyone is worthy of receiving your time or energy. It takes practice! If people do not buy your product, you are not upset because you gave your best and they have their own reasons for not purchasing. When you act from your standard level of dynamic energy you will start attracting clients that are a perfect fit for what you are offering.
The final dynamic is Contribution, when you give beyond cost or consequence in ways that no one knows about. Contribution operates from a higher place of service to others and the greater good. For example, Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King, Jr. were leaders who consistently operated from Contribution. This is a level most people do not have the desire or selflessness to ever reach.
To learn more about the four dynamics of energy, how to increase sales with less effort, influence others more easily, and identify and overcome habits that block your success, join the elite group participating in The Advanced Sales Influence program.
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