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by Mario Cavett
Propose and Justify a Research Method and Design Research problem Marketing lacks the proper support for internationalization that creates valuable market relationships and thus less business relationships exist today.1 this comes from an analysis of Marketing and the Corporate Business professional that attempts to appeal to Consumers. Research purpose The purpose of this research is for corporations and organizations not to look at communication between companies and consumers as something simple. Rather, they are to look at communications as an extension of their business, so you’re not having a general conversation but rather you are communicating with your business. Companies and organizations tend to care more about their business than others. The communication must be personal and convincing which goes against the fundamental business ideology today that says communication is a business situation and it’s not inter-personal communication. The business communication must materialize as a bond between many counterparts of the service on business is supplying another. This communication is a process that puts a control factor on service communication the goal ultimately is to answer the question “What can we do for you” repeatedly until the desire is filled . This process will secure profits which are also one of the specific purposes of this method amongst many. The nature of any interpersonal communication is to maintain an impactful, dynamic bond that intensifies over a long period of time (Perrin, 2015). The picture for this communication must be clear at all times having no confusion within this personal communication process. Research Questions 1.) How can communication be an extension of an organization?
2.) What needs does a business typically have in corporate communication?
3.) How would an employee get extensive information using the top-down analysis to influence transaction cost?
4.) What will make communication circulate convincing a stakeholder to stay with your business?
5.) How can a Marketing Professional drive a conversation with another business?
1.) What is the relationship between the process of business success and transaction cost economics?
2.) Is there a difference between business success, and transaction cost economics? If so what is it?
3.) To what extent can communication predict transaction cost economics?
4.) What is the relationship between internationalization and dyadic market relationships?
5.) Is the difference between cultural orientation and Group-level variables? If so what is it? Strengths and weaknesses of the envisioned method and design The qualitative design that’s been chosen is a bit different it needs a relation to the research questions and a phenomenon; specifically needs to be stated (Babbie, 2017). The research questions and the purpose statement should have a relationship that is undeniable (Babbie, 2017). The research questions should be open-ended and have a reflection that is identical to the qualitative design (Babbie, 2017). These research questions are typically intended for knowledge bases that can answer them such as professionals preferably people that have more than a yes or no vocabulary (Babbie, 2017). A Qualitative design based on a perspective of constructivism. The problem is broken down into a question that usually has two parts. In this method, an experience is needed, so it’s more suited for Post-Doctorial research (Gov, 2017). The sampling size for this method could be as small as one the data collections are in the form of interviews, observation, and archival content. Many times this archival content can be obtained every easily through direct source material. The direct source material makes for a more valid study and can make a more accurate response from respondents because of the reliability of the questions which reflects data collection methods and results (Gov, 2017). In the sampling, data collection and data analysis qualitative design sitting on the opposite side of this coin called research. Qualitative Design has a non-probability and purposive sampling as opposed to Quantitative Design that has a probability factor that supports random approaches (Gov, 2017). Gaining information that is reliable is the purpose of qualitative design, and all of the energy that a researcher has resides in this mission. A Qualitative method uses the richest possible data and a source that can be valid in today’s world of science and processes that extend to a very diverse audience (Gov, 2017). Qualitative research has a decision-making process that influences everything in a study including the selection of participants, settings, incidents, events, and activities for data collection (Gov, 2017). Qualitative research typically has a small sampling size than quantitative research has. Qualitative Research is a flexible practice that continues utilizing a method called data saturation making sure the information in research is accurate and has no mistakes continuing the study until no new themes emerge from your data sources (Gov, 2017). Qualitative research has many types that sometimes get lost in the translation of percentiles and charts that explain numerical information. It is best for a researcher to select the qualitative approach that fits them the good thing is there are many options such as ethnography, phenomenology, grounded theory, life history and ethnomethodology. Phenomenology as a quick example caters to lived experiences of people, and it doesn’t rest on theories or models that are suggestive of theory (Gov, 2017). This qualitative method pushes a responsibility in research as opposed to a quantitative methodology that doesn’t have this built into its fundamental framework which is the cause of many debates (Gov, 2017). Ethnography, on the other hand, is to learn about a culture from an experience point of view living and interacting with the people that live there. People are more than numbers, and qualitative reasoning exploits the weaknesses of quantitative design (Gov, 2017). While qualitative design seeks to permit qualitative reasoning that doesn’t mean that theory is not allowed however a grounded theory is allowed. This method authorizes theoretical sampling and the constant comparative method. Like all theories, this began with a question regarding social-psychological processes. Qualitative research many times requires direct quotes because the research technique encourages source material. In quantitative studies, there will often be an empirical inference many times to a whole population. Quantitative research often just generalizes but never to a more understanding conclusion qualitative research, on the other hand, allows the researcher to derive theoretical comprehension (Gov, 2017). The Quantitative design in this research is a curiosity within itself putting a close-ended emphasis on measurements, statistical, mathematical and numerical analysis of collected data. In quantitative Design, this is not negotiable, and it is also not open for debate (Babbie, 2017). The data is equally as close-minded using polls, questionnaires and surveys. This method would be appropriate however the actual technique of development is curious because the questions are often yes or no questions its does not dive deep enough (Babbie, 2017). A Qualitative design uses the same data collection tools however the techniques are different as in the way respondents answer questions it must be thought out and written in a complete thought format unlike the yes and the no response that leaves much to be desired in the way of analysis which presupposes a deeper evaluation (Babbie, 2017). Quantitative research focuses on gathering data of a numerical nature of course. Quantitative design often seeks to generalize data which is very close-ended and leaves no room for improvement (Babbie, 2017). A Quantitative design takes groups of people and puts them into a general format making it impossible to build onto data in Post Doctorial studies when dealing with human groups (Babbie, 2017). A Phenomenon is explained however many times not well enough generalizing a phenomenon makes the actual study weak because the fundamentals behind the term “Phenomenon” within a philosophical perspective is many times all perception and thus the result is flawed because human perception is flawed. Ideally, what one design method can’t-do another can so it is similar to two sides of a horrid coin design. Business has always used communication as individual channels but never as the extension of an organization. To make communiqué an extension of an organization this strength of the chosen method/design favors the usage of cultural orientation as a group-level variable (Scribner, 1996). Why? Because understanding cultures that partake in your product or service will open companies up to bigger market segments. The market segmentations are essential because capturing the sub-groups allows companies to capture markets and entire consumer demographics (Cabrera, 2005). Market segmentations dive into the knowledge sharing aspects of businesses that assists in the communication process (Cabrera, 2005). The antecedents of knowledge sharing always include culture first (Cabrera, 2005). This theory supports the notion that culture goes way beyond the traditional human resource practices (Cabrera, 2005). The reasoning behind this lies within any companies work design the interdependencies are established to support frequency interactions and information flow requirements among different jobs (Cabrera, 2005). Businesses that use cultural orientation as a group-level variable have people management practices proposed to foster knowledge sharing that promotes cross functional teams, fitting employee referrals, putting extensive training within the troupe with an exceptional emphasis on communication skills (Cabrera, 2005). This approach attempts to be multicultural which is why this theory uses such a direct approach to the development of this supposition. The cross-functional teams encourage the creation of ties with employees from diverse groups (Cabrera, 2005). Internationalization is awakened in this theory provoking higher levels of interaction with multicultural groups (Cabrera, 2005). Justify chosen method is best for research questions In this study the Qualitative questions consists of several things such as the view of homogeneous exploration, raising more issues through broad and open-ended inquiry and understating behaviors. This design method will also be absent of certain things that quantitative design will provide and this is the justification for the quantitative questions, such as the lack of objectivity, no skillful requirement for interviewers and time consuming interviews. According to Choy (2014), “Qualitative researchers often rely on interpretive or critical social science. They apply “logic in practice” and follow a nonlinear research path”. (p. 2). It’s important to understand the professional mindset. The questions are meant to gather information from diverse professionals with similar backgrounds in sales, marketing, and any business situation will do. To reflect, this helped in figuring out the demographic and overall experience of the respondents during the recruiting process. The research that this revolves around is a Dissertation that’s yet to be. The Blood Stream of Marketing: A Theoretical perspective; Survey development using survey monkey was easy and very user-friendly. The user-interface made it easy to create my sentences scholarly manner. These questions come from theoretical grounds that communication has a business process that needs to change, Communications that influence transaction cost economics, and the notion that cultural orientation needs to be a group variable. These theoretical grounds need to be emphasized all of the time in all business settings. The respondents during the process of this survey creation now have more definition than they did at the beginning. The demographics of this entire study is now clear it is not on for a professional in one industry but in all industries at every level need a better communication ideology. The purpose for this is to gain the maximum amount of profits possible in every business situation. Why would alternative methods/designs be less desirable for my study? Because the knowledge gained cannot be an unknown factor by both listener and speaker. These business oriented groups must understand that knowledge sharing is more intimate. The feedback is instant, and it must be relevant to the service that’s communicated at this time (Perrin, 2015). The notion that both the speaker and listener are role playing is also not allowed when using this method/design that’s being used i.e., the Qualitative and Quantitative mix that is slowly becoming a standard in research. The communication between speaker and listener must be genuine (Perrin, 2015). The anticipation of behavior defines the speaker the receiver doesn’t need to anticipate anything this happens so seamlessly that both communicators shouldn’t recognize it. This planning is different from the belief that businesspeople have about dyadic interpersonal communication in which case they believe that this is how the interpersonal process forms in the first place. When using alternative methods getting this effect is not possible because this is the changing of communication to a degree of giving a reassurance. Conclusion In the Blood Stream of Marketing, an organization cannot look at communication as a simple communication between two people. This supposition in its infancy is all about “Business Success” Internationalization creates a level of interaction that creates a functional tool with the cultural orientation process to this theory. In the Blood Stream of Marketing increasing the presence of enterprise in international markets is an issue. The process of planning and also implementing products and services are the keystones of communications in business practices. The only way to enter into internationalization is through the transferring of knowledge while entering new markets (Khojastehpour, 2014). According to Khojastehpour (2014), “Relationship Marketing strategy is applicable to the internationalization process “(p. 8). At the core of the Blood Stream of Marketing customer loyalty, interaction and long-term engagement amended into a correlating function within internationalization. Relationship marketing strategy makes for a relationship builder between company and culture (Khojastehpour, 2014). The customer base of any market can be a tricky thing but providing them with the information that they directly need. The blood stream of marketing looks at the correlation between internationalization and relationship marketing strategy. In the operational, cultural orientation there must be a bond between company, customer, and culture (Khojastehpour, 2014). The importance of communication and trust lead to a commitment from business-2-business (Khojastehpour, 2014). The ability to differentiate new marketing approaches from traditional ones there is an integration that supports continuous communications and thus the circulation that carries a dyadic market relationship. The trusts of customers have returned to foreign markets. To gain valuable information and move closer to the consumer is really where the blood stream of marketing as an overall process can be useful (Khojastehpour, 2014). The business success factor mentioned earlier is a major factor in establishing relationships with consumers (Khojastehpour, 2014). The creation of customer understanding and empathy can only come about through trust engendering positive attitudes (Khojastehpour, 2014).
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