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by Melanie Lane
You network, you craft “commercials”, you smile, you project warmth…you’re awesome! Then you finally get that prospect in front of you that wants what YOU have! Eureka! Bravo!
You proceed to “qualify” them by asking them questions about what they need, and how they’d use what you are selling. You think it goes well. Then you go to present your solution. It has everything they want! Only it turns out you missed quite a bit and your “solution” is not much of a solution.
Most sellers, in their quest to start pitching, have a habit of whizzing through the most important part of a sale. Discovering exactly what the client wants. They think they hear one thing, it goes through their OWN filters, and they race to the finish line like a cat presenting a prize it IS! Look what I did! Aren’t you proud?
The most important step most sellers miss is confirming what they THINK they heard with a client. What does this do? TONS!
It shows client that you were really listening. A skill that many do not possess, and clients appreciate in such a way that they feel more connected to you.
It shows a high level of respect.
Using their own words in their order and sequence is subconsciously an immensely pleasurable experience for them.
It keeps them engaged, because they will “approve” what you said to them, giving them the “job” of listening to what you’re saying. On the off chance that you got something wrong, they can correct it for you before you go and search the country for a Powder Blue car instead of a Midnight Blue car. This gives them the opportunity to “help” in the process. And everybody likes to help.
More often than not, they will ADD information to what you repeat back to them. “Now, you wanted a pool in the backyard, is that correct?” “Yes, AND we would like a jacuzzi, too!”. Not only did they add an element (that hearing you say their words back to them triggered), they added dollars (hellooo…Volume) to the sale amount. Brilliant!
Sadly, most sellers would rather be covered with honey and hung beneath a bee hive than take that most important step to CONFIRM what they think they heard.
Take it from me: the subconscious (as well as the conscious) bonding and respect, and the amazing savings of time (and pride) associated with focusing on who’s in FRONT of you instead who’s INSIDE of you (that voice that’s saying “It’s Ok, I got it, I got it”) can turn a liner into a Top Producer!
About the Author: Melanie Lane is a Keynote Speaker, Sales Trainer and Sales Professional. She is quite a hoot, being a former comedian, member of Second City Improv, and a Top Sales Closer. Wonder what RD stands for? Razzle Dazzle…because if you’re in Sales, you’re a performer!
About the author