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by Wendy Connick
How to Make a Daily Schedule: Drawing up a schedule and sticking to it is a good idea for anyone, but it’s especially helpful for salespeople. Most salespeople have to juggle multiple job responsibilities, from the core sales activities to things like filling out paperwork and attending company meetings. Scheduling is the key to getting your critical tasks done each and every day.
The trick to getting more done is to plan ahead. The night before, sit down and plan out your activities for the next day. That way you’ll know exactly what your priorities are at any given time. You’ll be amazed by how much more you can get done if you always know what you should be doing. Here’s a process to follow in setting up your own daily schedule.
1. Write down a list of everything that you want to get done tomorrow. Include every single activity, not just work-related functions — if you need to take the car to the shop or pick up your dry cleaning, those things should go on your list too.
2. Ask yourself, “Which one item on this list will have the biggest positive impact on me if I get it finished tomorrow?” Circle that item and write a #1 next to it.
3. Pick out your second, third and fourth most important items and label them accordingly.
4. Start a new page and write down the precise times that you will complete your four highest priority tasks. You don’t have to put them in order or make them your first activities of the day. Just by making an appointment with yourself to do each of them you’ll vastly increase the odds that you’ll get them all done. Block out a reasonable amount of time for each item on your high-priority list.
5.Fill in the rest of tomorrow’s schedule with the other activities from your list. Remember as you do so that the schedule isn’t set in stone — in fact, you will almost certainly end up shifting things around as new tasks come up and old ones become less urgent.
6.Bring your schedule with you to the office and post it someplace where you can easily see it as you work. If you need to make any last-minute changes, use a pencil to add or remove things from your schedule.
About the author
My first sales position was a summer job selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door. I continued through a variety of sales jobs ranging from retail sales for a storage company to selling bank products for a Fortune 500 financial institution.
As a small business owner, I now focuses on selling for my own company, Tailored Content, a website content provider. I write on a wide range of topics but my primary focus is sales and how to sell effectively.