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by Bob Janet
Need New Marketing and Selling Ideas?: “You must continually find new ideas, strategies and techniques to increase your sales and profits. If you are not moving forward you are falling behind. There is no such thing as staying even in the selling business.”
Who talks to your customers more than you do? Who knows what will most satisfy your customers? Who knows what will attract customers to your business? Your Staff!!
From USA TODAY June 29, 2005 GM’s employee-discount offer on new autos pays off General Motors has hit upon a possible escape from the big sales incentive that have ruined its bottom line without boosting it market share.
The strategy is akin to one-price selling, minimizing distasteful negotiation. GM doesn’t call it one-price, but that is at the core of GM’s current promotion- selling anybody a vehicle for the price an employee would pay.
Preliminary June data from analysts show that the program, which grew out of employee suggestions, is wildly successful. It appears to have boosted GM sales 20% to 30%.
How would you like to increase your sales 20% to 30%? EMPLOYEE SUGGESTIONS WILL MAKE YOU MONEY! All you have to do is:
Get the ball rolling on profit increasing ideas at your sales meetings. Start every meeting with thank you’s, congratulations and rewards for ideas generated at the previous meeting and during the course of each day.
Start with Thank you’s. Then reward those who gave you ideas you used and ideas you did not use.
Why reward them for ideas not used? You do not want your staff to become discouraged. And, sometimes the ideas you do not think are worth trying today will be ideas you cherish in the future.
When turning down an idea, explain to them in detail why you did not use the idea. Give them the opportunity to defend and further explain how they feel the idea will help you increase sales and profits and grow your business. You will start a brainstorming session and many profit making ideas will be discovered.
Suggested rewards:
If you’re not increasing sales you are falling behind. There is no such thing as staying even. From the book “You’re Not Lost Until You Are Out Of Gas”
Ask and Reward your staff for ideas that will increase your sales and profits.
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