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Remove the Doubt, make the Sale

How the fear of the unknown can be overcome through client testimonials

Remove the Doubt and Make the Sale

Have you had a sale in the palm of your hand? Only to watch it slip through your fingers? It can be frustrating not knowing what it will take to “close the deal”! When you are in that place where there is nowhere left to go.

If you have doubts and concerns when you make a major purchase, it is safe to assume the same things happen with some of your prospects. What can you do to put your prospect’s mind at ease?

Silent Questions
No matter how good your product or service, or how wonderful your sales presentation, your prospect may have the nagging question, how do I know this is the right choice? They have not given me any evidence to prove I am making a good decision.

So, how do you prove to your next client that you are the right choice for their needs?

.The most popular form of testimonial is undoubtedly the testimonial letter from a satisfied customer. Don’t be afraid to ask for a testimonial letter when you know your customer is particularly pleased with what they received in terms of product, service, or after-sale support.

You can get more mileage out of a testimonial letter if it’s undated. Sometimes you can request that the letter be not dated, or you can simply make a copy of the letter with the date removed.

Verbal testimonials can be used when you have satisfied customers who are willing to receive a phone call from your prospect. The interesting thing about verbal testimonials is that prospects rarely call. Just knowing they can is often evidence enough. If you have testimonial letters, make them a part of your presentation, especially if you are a new company. Never forget the power of a satisfied client in your sales tool box. It can make the difference between” deal or no deal”

Telling a Good Story
Another way of removing doubt is the power of a good story
Using examples or stories of satisfied customers who have used and benefited from your services is yet another way to provide peace of mind to your prospect. The rules for using examples are that they should be short, bring value, be relevant, and be believable.

SME’s ( subject matter experts)
Subject matter experts are another way to gain credibility for your product/service. This can present a win-win-win outcome. The prospect hears firsthand from a non sales aspect of the quality and what types of services are offered , the sales professional learns more about the product or service from the inside view point of the provider, and the SME learns the other side of their profession so vital to the success of the company. The caution I would advise is to make sure your SME is coached in what to say and more importantly , not say to your prospect.These tools will assist you when you have to remove the doubt to make the sale.

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