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by Leigh Ashton
How resilient are you?
Reading a recent newspaper article by Adrian Furnham, professor of psychology at University College London, reminded me of just how importance resilience is when it comes to achieving success.
In fact I would go as far as to say that you would struggle to succeed in anything without resilience.
Especially in sales and business
Resilience after a ‘no’. Resilience if you’re falling short of your target. Resilience when a customer tells you they are now buying from somewhere else. Resilience when the phone doesn’t ring.
I’ve picked out some extracts from the article and added my own take…
“Resilient people cope better. They bounce back faster. They carry less baggage from the past. They feel less influenced by fate, less victims of luck, more in control. Crucially, they are able to maintain a steady course when the economic, political and psychological weather deteriorates. Resilient people know who they are, who they can count on and where and when to get help.
Resilient people are hardy and have good coping skills. When resilient people get stressed, which inevitable they will, they are able to reduce its effects quickly and efficiently”.
How useful would all that be in sales? Very!
Can you learn resilience?
Is it possible to change your mindset? Change the way you look at the world? Having trawled the world of self help books Adrian Furnham has come up with a ‘super-list’ of things to do to build up your resilience..and I wholeheartedly agree with his summary…
1. Visualise first, then enact how your capabilities will enhance your performance
2. Remind yourself of what you are really good at and what others value you for
3. Take control of your life and drop all that negative “can’t do” thinking
4. Try serious optimism — do “glass half full” and opportunity thinking
5. Reduce your stress levels by being more realistic, calling on the support of others and expressing your feelings more
6. Ask for help and give help to others when they need it
7. Learn to be comfortable with conflict
8. Invest time in your learning
9. Work on your mental and physical fitness
10. Reframe the way you see setbacks. Think of them as learning challenges rather than fatal setbacks.
11. And finally…Buck up, tighten up and toughen up
When (today) will you start?
Adopt these “commandments” and your sales will improve — I’ve absolutely no doubt about that. These guidelines are all about the inner you — and it’s the inner you that can make or break ANY sale.
They really are a great set of mantra’s to adopt. At The Sales Consultancy we love this list — no surprise given that pretty much everything on the list is embedded into our training programmes!
So get more resilient — and notice your sales increase.
It’s all about The Psychology of Sales!
Until next time.
For previous ‘Tricks of the Trade’ go here
About the author
Hi I’m Leigh Ashton of The Sales Consultancy
Whether you’re a small business or a leading brand, an area manager or a Chief Executive, whether you’re new to sales or an experienced sales professional. Even if you’re not in sales at all but want to understand it, you’ve come to the right place.
The World of Sales is changing.
Today’s conventional sales training doesn’t address the psychological barriers that get in their way.
My approach takes your sales team through a process that:
* Helps them identify their psychological barriers and gives them the tools to overcome them * Teaches them how the mind works so they can keep motivated and stay focused * Gives them the ability to identify the psychological patterns of their clients and prospects so they connect with them at a deeper level and close more sales
And at a higher level…
* It creates more success in other areas of their lives so they are happier generally…and happier sales people generate more sales
Wherever you are on your personal sales journey what’s the best course of action for YOU.
– Sales Training – that actually gets results – Leadership and Management – Personal Coaching and Mentoring – Sales Mentoring Programme – NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and how it can help you accelerate your success – Keynote Speaking