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by Mike Brooks
When I talk to people about goal setting, I’m often surprised by their reactions. A lot of people tell me that they haven’t gotten around to setting life-time goals and identifying their values and coming up with specific, measurable bench marks, etc…
They tell me that goal setting takes too much time and energy, and that it will require days and weeks of work and that once they have the goals they’ll start to feel bad if they don’t reach them.
Some of the time people tell me they do have goals, but when I ask them about what they are, they come up with vague wants and “Gee, I hope I get some day” items that change with each paycheck.
Sound familiar?
While life-time goal setting does require an initial investment of time and energy, the payoff is immediate and life changing. The good news, however, is that identifying and writing down even short term goals will give you the same benefits, and setting short term goals is a quick and effective way to develop momentum, build confidence and get some meaningful things accomplished.
Great areas to set short term goals in are things like:
Beginning or resuming an exercise routine and setting a goal to be so far along in the time frame you’ve set. – Increasing your closing percentage by a reasonable amount. – Having read or begun listening to a couple of books. – Joined a dating site and begun dating again. – Taking up or resuming a favorite hobby again.
Remember at the beginning I wrote that setting even short term goals can be a life-changing event? I know of someone who had a goal of finding and developing a serious relationship, and his short term goal was simply to join a dating site and begin dating. Well, he did that, met someone in 2 weeks, and now 6 months later, they are engaged to be married! You see, even short term goals can change your life!
Once you’ve done that, get a three by five card and write out an affirmation paragraph that describes in detail how you will feel once you’ve reached that goal. Keep it in the first person as if you’ve already accomplished that goal. Not: “I can’t wait to feel…” Rather: “It feels so good now that I’m…”
Make a list of actions you can take today and take them!
Do the same thing tomorrow and get in the habit of taking an action each day to move you closer to your goals.
Follow this 5-Step method of setting short term goals and I guarantee you that your life WILL change 3 to 6 months from now.
About the author
Do you have an underperforming inside sales team? Talk to Mike to see how he can help you and your team reach your revenue goals. To learn more about Mike, visit his website: