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by Mike Brooks
Every so often I feel it’s my responsibility to remind you about the single most important determinate of success, happiness and well being. Like gravity itself, this law of being is constant; it is unchanging and completely dependable. Every person relies on and uses this principle, consciously or unconsciously, and it never fails to deliver the exact results according to your understanding of it.
The rich, the poor, the successful, the struggling – all manner of men and women the planet over are using this law or principle of being, and it has been this way since the beginning of time. Right now, right here as you are reading this, you are using it, too.
The exciting thing about this principle is that as soon as you truly understand and begin using it constructively with belief and expectation, you can turn your life, circumstance, your income, health, or anything else completely around. This law can be summed up very simply:
“Everything in your life is an exact duplication of your consciousness.”
In other words, whatever images you hold in your mind, in your consciousness, will always be manifested outward as your experience. It is the simplest of truths that you cannot hold one belief and image in your mind and manifest another.
That’s why some sales reps (the top 20%) are, and always will be, more successful than others. That is how they believe themselves to be; it is how they see themselves, and they will always produce the exact results according to their belief.
There’s a very easy way to prove that this is so. Ask yourself, “Isn’t it true that the results in your life, in every area, down to every detail, are an exact mirror of what you think about it all day long?”
If you’re honest, your answer is yes. Now the question may come into your mind, “Yeah, but the reason I’m thinking about it all day long is because that’s how it is for me. The circumstances are there (I’m not making enough money; don’t have the house/car/relationship I want, etc.) so of course that’s what I think about all the time.”
Let me ask you: “What if it was EXACTLY the other way around?” What if your thoughts actually caused you to take repetitive actions that actually CAUSED the unwanted situations in your life to recur?
If you’re willing to consider that your thinking and beliefs might actually be the cause – rather than the results – in your life, then you are ready to finally claim the spiritual power that is the one truth that rules all of existence – that everything in your life is an exact duplication of your current consciousness.
There are books written about this power of manifestation (some call it the Law of Attraction), and it is and always will be true. I think Dr. Robert Anthony said it best in his book, “Advanced Formula for Total Success”:
“Take all the money away from a person who is a millionaire – one who has the consciousness of a millionaire today – and within a short time he or she will be a millionaire again. Riches start from the mind, not your pocketbook, bank account or investment. The pocketbook, bank account and investments are the effects, not the cause. The cause is always an idea or belief. A person is not rich because they have money. They have money because they are rich in consciousness. They believe that they are rich. Again, this is the reason that the rich will always get richer and the poor will always stay poor until they change their consciousness.”
This is why an astounding 90% of all lottery winners or people who inherit or win large sums of money end up broke and in debt – in other words, back to their original level of consciousness – in 3 years or less.
Here are three resources I use every day that help me keep my consciousness (and attitude) right so I can remain in the top 20%:
Beyond Positive Thinking, by Dr. Robert Anthony
Find and Use Your Inner Power, by Emmet Fox (both available on
Hypnosis CD’s on Success (just browse Google to find some you like)
I hope some of what you’ve read here today resonates with the truth inside of you. If you have used your power before, then you know what I’m talking about. Make a decision that today is the day you begin believing in and creating the life you know is possible for you. Just remember: “If someone else can have the things in life that you want, then YOU can have it, too.”
And you will, as soon as you change the images in your consciousness.
About the author
Do you have an underperforming inside sales team? Talk to Mike to see how he can help you and your team reach your revenue goals. To learn more about Mike, visit his website: