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Tips on How to Improve Your Keyword Search Skills for SEO

Image source: Unsplash

Keywords are an essential part of digital marketing, and understanding how SEO works are crucial to increasing sales, traffic, and brand awareness. Right now, there are probably thousands of people (potential customers) all across the United States searching for the exact content, service, or product that you offer. And this is directly related to the B2B sphere. You can help them find their way to your brand by becoming an expert at keyword searching and SEO. According to published insights, over 3.5 billion searches are run through Google every day, and a whopping 75% of these searchers don’t even click beyond the first search result page. Once you can gather and implement the right keywords, your website will begin to rank on the first pages of Google’s search results. This translates to more visibility, more traffic, and of course, more sales.

Why is it better to start with an SEO audit of your website?

An SEO audit is a process of analyzing your website’s web presence. It is the first and most crucial step to improving your keyword searching. You need to start with an SEO audit as its purpose is to identify the foundational issues affecting your performance. This audit will reveal several problems such as website structure issues, on-page SEO issues, user experience issues, technical issues, and content gaps/opportunities. The perfect SEO audit for your website should be:
Comprehensive – the audit should contain both structural and content aspects that contribute to and affect your website’s visibility.
Easy to understand – The audit results conducted on your website should be easy for a business owner to understand and interpret.
Actionable – the information gathered in the audit should be followed with a clear path to solutions. To achieve such an audit, you will need an efficient B2B search marketing agency.

Why are keywords important?

As a business owner of a B-to-B company who is new to the world of digital marketing and web presence, you might wonder, “why are keywords important for my brand?” The answer lies, of course, in helping your potential customers find you as quickly and efficiently as possible. Keywords are essential because they tell search engines about the contents of your website. They also help searchers know that your content is valuable to them and related to what they are looking for. Keywords are also terms, words, or phrases entered into search engines to find valuable and relevant content. All search engines use a unique formula to determine which websites are most related to a searcher’s request. Where your website ranks on this result list depends on several factors, primarily your implementation of keywords. It is not enough to simply use any old keyword. The keywords you use must be of excellent quality, and they must be highly relevant. What are the tips on how to improve your keyword search skills for SEO?

Tip 1: Start with a brainstorming session

The key to mastering and conquering the keyword search algorithm is knowing who your users are and understanding them. Here is how to have a productive brainstorming session:
Know Who Your Audience Is – Your brainstorming session should begin with identifying your target audience. Study and note what your target audience needs and how they would possibly go about searching for it. You must think like your customer and explore as they would!
Do Your Research – Once you have identified your target audience as best as possible, create a list of keywords. Research about your audience’s likely interests, ideas and figuring out the way they use the internet. There are several ways to carry out keyword research, including using the right B2B search agency.
Filter – Doing your research simply is not enough. Keyword searches may provide you with a long list of probable keywords to choose from. Your marketing campaign will only improve when you know which of these keywords to use. The best keywords to use for your SEO strategy must be relevant, have authority and volume.

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Tip 2: Create your SEO monthly plan

The perfect B2B SEO agency will be the most crucial tool in creating an effective SEO monthly plan. An SEO plan is a strategy for organizing your website’s content by topic. Such a strategy is created to improve the chances of ranking high in search results. This plan helps you stay on track with your content creation so that you are always creating content that people search for. Your SEO monthly plan should include:
A list of topics on which you will create content.
Your filtered list of long-tail keywords based on the selected topics.
Pages built for each content topic
A consistent posting/blogging/uploading schedule
A link-building strategy
Means of tracking and measuring your content’s success frequently.

Tip 3: Researching synonyms for keywords and words with similar meanings

Use your list of keywords to discover even more keywords by searching for the synonyms of any keyword. Words with similar meanings to your keywords may also come in handy. This is a vital part of any keyword research process. You may use dictionaries, reference guides, and glossaries. Such guides and user-generated glossaries include Wiktionary, Urban Dictionary, and Pseudo Dictionary. Avoid using your long-tail keyword too often throughout your page. Figure out how many keywords per page would be best to optimize visibility. We advise using them no more than 3 or 4 times. Stay up to date with all the news on SEO and the ever-changing practices. The world of SEO and the keyword search algorithm is constantly evolving, and so should your SEO plan!

Why do you need to track competitors?

Any great SEO strategy must cater to knowing as much as you can about your competitors. Competition is a healthy part of business and marketing. You need to track competitors to boost your innovation. This helps you to identify what you are doing right or wrong with your business. A comprehensive competitive analysis chart opens your eyes to gaps in your own strategy while giving you new ways to connect with your audience. This is a report that maps out the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors compared to yours.
Competitive analysis can help your brand grow in many ways. Being a crucial catalyst for noting and adopting new strategies and ideas, tracking competitors can significantly boost your visibility and reach. Begin by identifying your true competitors. These are businesses that have the same target market and niche as yours. Take a close look at their content, web design, and even examine their backlink profiles. Compare with your corresponding data and observe any gaps that you may need to work on.


Keyword researching could seem daunting without the proper tools and resources. These are some of the best ways to improve your keyword searching skills for SEO. When you implement these, you are bound to notice significant development in your strategies.

About the author

Tim Absalikov is the Acting CEO of Lasting Trend, B2B search marketing agency. Tim is an expert in technical optimization. He has a deep understanding of SEO, SEM, UX and UI considerations, shopping campaigns, PLA, RLSA, dynamic retargeting, works with E-Commerce and Web Analytics.