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by Bob Urichuck
You can’t build anything without a solid foundation. The “A” is for Attitude – the foundation sustaining all successful people. Attitude is the “advance man” of our true selves.
The roots spread inward and are anchored in past experiences, and the fruit branch outward exposed for all to see. Attitude is both our best friend and our worst enemy. It is more honest and more consistent than our words.
It is a manner which draws people to us, or repels them. It is never content unless it is expressed. It is the librarian of our past, the speaker of our present, and the prophet of our future. Yet, who controls our attitude?
How do you react to failure? Do you walk away discouraged and complain about it or do you take control, stay focused, accept a lesson learned, and go on with your life? Success is based on good judgment and good judgment is founded on experience. The only way one can gain experience is through failure. We have to fail often to succeed once. This, and the way you react, is a reflection of attitude.
How you react, how you think, what you say to yourself or what you believe about yourself are all within your control and are portrayed by your attitude. You must first realize that your attitude is 100% within your control and then, learn to reflect, confirm and take hold of that attitude.
You must improve the attitude you hold towards yourself. Learn to overcome fear and to deal with rejection and failure in order to increase your productivity while saving time and money.
What is your attitude towards your organization, the team players and the products and services? Do you have an owner’s mentality? If so, what would you do differently? Why are you not doing it?
You must address these issues and possess a strong belief before you can move forward. Otherwise, the negativity is reflected in your attitude and is portrayed in your body language.
If you don’t believe in yourself and the organization that you represent including the team, the products and the services; then, it is time to find something you do believe in.
It is impossible to engage others to believe in your product or service, if your attitude projects the opposite. Are you ready to improve?
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