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Common Questions and Answers
by Bob Urichuck
Why do you go to work? Is it for the enjoyment, to keep busy or another specific reason?
For years, I have been asking people why they go to work. Everywhere in the world I get the same answer. What do you think that answer is? If you said money, you are right. However, the answer is wrong, even though it reflects the belief of the rest of the world!
The secret is no-one should ever accept their first answer or the first answer from anyone else. To the extent that you or they think they are being honest, they are not.
Give it a try. You go to work to make money. Make money to do what? Do you want a certain lifestyle? What type of a lifestyle? Do you want to fulfill your family’s needs? What are those needs? Do you want to have a home and a car and to take vacations? What kind of a home, car and vacation? We can go on and on.
Once you realize this, then work is nothing but a stepping stone to help you get where you want to go. The real problem is: Do you know where you want to go?
What are your dreams? Do you know where you want to be, what you want to do or to have in three, five, ten or even twenty years?
Can you imagine what life would be like if we could not dream? What would the world look like? Where would we be today? It all starts with a dream.
Our dreams become our desires. It is that burning desire combined with the belief that you can do it that provides you with the motivation to make your dream a reality. When you release that passion inside of you to accomplish your dream, nothing will stand in your way.
Think back to a dream or a desire you once had. It could have been to graduate, to travel to an exotic destination, to acquire a particular item, to be a certain type of person or even to find a spouse, a home or a certain type of friend or acquaintance. Did you not live that dream?
But to live that dream, you had to pay a price. That price may have been going to work.
Please remember, work is nothing but a stepping stone to help you get where you want to go. First, decide where you want to go, what is that long term dream, and how can you use your job to help get you there?
When your job and your dream are connected, you get more excited about going to work. You are more motivated, and you will realize your dream.
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