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by Dean Vella
Timeshare sales can be among the most difficult. To begin with, you have precious little time to get acquainted with a prospect before launching in on the pitch. In addition, you have to rely on someone else to pre-qualify the candidates. Yet, when a timeshare sales team has mastered the sales training necessary for that particular type of sale, the outcomes can be quite impressive. Following the five tips below practiced by seasoned time share industry veterans can help boost sales potential in virtually any industry.
1. Be Part of their Pack
As much as possible, timeshare sales people match the tone, demeanor, and mannerisms of the client. A basic psychological principal of any sales experience is to make clients feel comfortable. Try to get a feel for where your prospects are coming from on a human level. When people feel less vulnerable, they open up, become better listeners, and engage more fully in the exchange of information. In timeshare sales, the pre-qualification process usually involves acquiring a meaty chunk of demographic data which can be used to best match a rep to a particular client. For instance, a young 20 something might not be the right match to present a timeshare to a retiree with numerous grand children, but might be perfect person to present the same product in a different way to a recent college grad. The authentic connection with a prospect is important in any sales relationship.
2. Watch the Landscape and Listen
I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage that there is a good reason why people have two ears and only one mouth — the point being we should listen more than we speak. In the time-crunched timeshare sales setting, the salesperson needs to listen to the client and watch the body language for clues. After the first initial introductions, it is important to learn how the product relates to a client’s need or desire. Then you can use those facts to maximize the value of your product to the prospect. Some people seek a time share as a quiet solitary escape; some want it as a family gathering place; some want it as a romantic getaway, etc. All the impressive stats and amenities in the world don’t matter at all if it doesn’t meet a client’s need in some way. Find the connection between your product and the prospect’s personal needs or business goals and you have yourself an invested listener.
3. Let the Pressure of the Chase Fall Away
Sometimes in a fast-paced competitive economy the drive to make a sale can leave a prospect feeling like prey in a chase. A tried and true timeshare sales technique is to just let all that anxiety fall away up front. Best practice timeshare training includes telling the prospects up front that the purpose of the meeting is to discuss a product they might find valuable. If it is a good match you hope that they will consider a purchase but if not you hope they will have learned enough about the product to keep it in the back of their mind or refer it to others. When people let their guards down, they are more likely to take a risk – in this case make a purchase. This tidbit can go a long way to forging a long lasting and productive referral network, as well as boosting sales.
4. Let the Sales Pitch Flow Naturally
Sales management training teaches the best of the best to “help the client find their story.” In a nutshell this means that if you can get the client to see the product in terms of their own needs and goals then you have a connection that will most likely result in a sale. Being engaging and authentic is conducive to establishing the type of exchange needed to produce a sale. People can sense integrity, personal investment, and enthusiasm. You have to believe in the product to some degree in order to sustain sales over the longevity of a career. When there is a strong connection to the product, then the pitch just flows conversationally and closing the sale becomes the expected “the end” at the conclusion of a great story. You want your close to arrive naturally at the end of a productive sales conversation.
5. Closure is Logical and Emotional
While a basic principle of sales education is that people tend to “buy emotionally and justify spending logically,” the story you have just co-authored with your prospect interweaves these things together rather seamlessly so that closure becomes the logical progression of your experience there together. Of course, this doesn’t always happen, but it is what you are aiming for as you wind down your time together. Now that you know the prospects better, you can re-iterate the reasons why their initial interest in the product aligns with needs and goals they have shared with you. Encourage them to ask more questions, this is especially important if you are dealing with a couple or a group. One person might have asked questions upfront, but the other person may have been holding back.
Be ready to provide the time line for incentives if they buy within 48 hours, a week, two weeks, whatever is appropriate for your product. Be sure they have all their questions answered before you turn them over to the team members who will discuss financing. Explain the rest of the process succinctly. If possible you want to meet with the prospects again before they leave to strengthen the bond you have created and to answer any last minute questions. You want to balance the emotional with the logical to keep the comfort level secure throughout the process. Keeping the connection strong throughout the process coupled with the right financial buyer incentives can help boost your sales and subsequent referrals.
Because timeshare sales are among the most challenging, sales training needs to be pinpointed and effective. Long term timeshare sales professionals know that impeccable sales management training is vital to sustain sales outcomes. Sales teams from any industry sector can utilize the sales strategies that effective timeshare top sellers use. Creating a strong connection with the prospect and taking time to actively listen to the needs and goals of the client is essential to building the type of natural interaction that lends itself to a positive outcome.
When you can tailor your sales pitch to your prospect’s needs and goals then the product resonates with the client in authentic ways that can result in more sales. Timeshare sales professionals know that time is of the essence when it comes to making a smooth connection, sharing a meaningful story, and underscoring the client’s need for the product. In today’s competitive marketplace, it is important to keep your sales strategies fresh through online courses, engaging in a professional organization, and learning from other successful sales leaders across industries. Putting these five tips from the timeshare industry to good use in your sales environment can help you edge out the competition and build a more successful sales strategy of your own!
Dean Vella writes about business and negotiation on behalf of University Alliance, a facilitator of executive sales training, and sales lead generation.
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