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by Mike Brooks
I was in Las Vegas giving a Keynote speech at a sale conference the other week, and a rep came up to me and told me this story:
“Mike, I was out playing golf with a really successful business coach a few years ago, and after I hit my first ball about 150 yards, we got back into the golf cart and I said to him, ‘I really want to be able to hit the ball 200 yards.’ The business coach looked at me (we’ll call him Bob), and he said, ‘No you don’t.’
“I looked at him and said, yes I do. I really want to be able to hit the ball 200 yards.”
“No you don’t,” Bob said.
“By now, Mike, I’m getting pretty mad because, yes, I do really want to hit the ball 200 yards, so I said to Bob, ‘What do you mean, no I don’t? I do! I really want to be able to hit the ball 200 yards!
“So Bob looks at me and he says: ‘Well, do you have a golf coach that you’re working with every week?’ And I said, no. He then asks me, ‘Well, do you practice every week?’ And I said, no.
“So he says, ‘Well, see. You don’t really want to hit the ball 200 yards!'”
I nodded at the rep and he smiled at me. He then said, “I’ll tell you, Mike, after that ride in that golf cart, I went and hired a pro, committed to practicing regularly, and now I hit the ball 200 yards!”
That story really hit home for me. I can’t tell you how many times I “wanted” to have or do something, but nothing happened until I committed to it and took consistent action. In fact, I can’t remember anything that I didn’t get or accomplish once I did that!
And that’s why I love coaching and working with business owners and sales reps who have made the commitment to getting better. I know through my own experience and the experience of hundreds of other people I’ve worked with over the years, that if you are finally ready to do what it takes to succeed, then I can give you the tools that ensure success.
Think about your own situation for a moment. What are your goals or resolutions this year? Are you committed to getting in better physical shape? Are you committed to a certain income level this year? To completing a creative task?
If so, have you hired a fitness trainer? Do you have a sales coach or have you joined a mastermind group to support you and give you the tools you need to succeed? Have you joined a writing or photography group?
Just what actions ARE you taking right now to accomplish your goal?
The bottom line is that we all want lots of things, but only a few of us are willing to actually do something about it. Is this the year that you finally have what it is you’ve always wanted? The good news is that it’s there for the taking if you’re ready to do something about it. I hope you are.
About the author
Do you have an underperforming inside sales team? Talk to Mike to see how he can help you and your team reach your revenue goals. To learn more about Mike, visit his website: