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by Kellie D'Andrea
Winston Churchill is probably no stranger to anyone. He was an inspirational British leader during the Second World War, a noted statesman, officer, historian, writer and artist and the only British Prime Minister to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Throughout history and even today, Winston Churchill is often quoted for his words of wisdom and as we all strive to achieve our purpose in life his famous quotes are an inspiration to us all.
Translation – Focus on the NOW. Too many times we are looking so far ahead that we often lose sight of what is right in front of us. By focusing on what you have in your life now and what you are doing right now, you will begin to take the first steps towards improving your life. When you start to look too far into the future your goals may begin to seem impossible and you can become frustrated and overwhelmed. Break your goals into tiny steps that you can work on every day and you will begin to build momentum and a winning mental state. When you are more positive and open, you become more energized and motivated to make changes in your life.
Lesson: Focus on what you are doing now and chose actions that will bring you to your ideal future.
Translation – Be an optimist. An optimist is a person with a positive outlook on life and when you open your mind and find the positive in everything around you, you will improve your life. If you only see the negative or the difficulty in opportunities, you will not be aware when opportunities knocks. Although in the most trying of times, this can seem like a daunting task, the benefits in the long run will be tenfold.
Lesson: Look for the positive in all situations, even the trying ones.
Translation – Do Not Give Up. We are a culture seeking instant gratification. We often look for the easiest ways to do accomplish tasks and often give up when it gets too difficult. We fail to recognize that Rome wasn’t built in a day and often develop unrealistic expectations. When our expectations are not met, we lose motivation and end up giving up too early. You must be persistent and remain focused in order to bring real change to your life.
Lesson: Be persistent and do not give up too soon. Go the extra mile and stay true to your commitments.
Translation – Stay motivated and keep your enthusiasm. Things don’t always work out as we plan and it is very easy to get down in the dumps and feel bad about your progress. But you don’t want to stay there too long because misery loves company. Not only will you be down and depressed, you will begin to think negative and attract bad behaviors. But how do you do keep up the enthusiasm after things have gone wrong and you just feel like giving up? Simple – you talk to your accountability partner and the people in your life who make you feel like a rockstar. When you surround yourself with positive influences, your life will soar.
Lesson: Hang around with positive people who can keep you motivated and enthusiastic about reaching your goals.
Translation: Life is a journey, embrace it. To achieve anything in life, you must first make a decision to change. One simple word – YES, can change your life. Look at your life as a new phase and a journey to completeness and fulfillment. Start something new and challenge yourself to achieve greatness.
Lesson: Live each day of your life as though it is your last and embrace every action, every person and every experience as an opportunity to grow.
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