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by Barb Girson
With the start of each year everyone in direct sales seems to ‘start over’ or at least it feels that way. The first few months determine who is able to regain their booking and recruiting momentum and who will falter. In terms of convention recognition, each year brings the potential for a game-changing line up of results. That is promising if you are the underdog. Everyone begins with a clean slate. However if you are the top dog, it can be scary.
During my early years in direct sales, the first few months of the year were always daunting. The hill to climb back to the top seemed very steep. Coming off of a ‘holiday sales high’ and then dealing with the lack of responsiveness from my booking and recruiting efforts was discouraging. It made me wonder if my success was pure luck. Could I fill my calendar back to the former strength — plenty of home parties and overflow to share with my team? I had a bad case of the booking blues!
What I learned over time is that the answer is YES. However it takes more effort, sometimes extreme effort to get a full calendar of parties again. Once I resigned myself to the fact that it would take asking more people, generating more excitement, and booking in close the annual ramp up got easier. Why? I was mentally prepared. I realized that the holiday season was from October through February. Each of those months required extra hours — both to grab all of the holiday sales and to rebuild in the aftermath.
Follow these seven steps to beat your booking blues and before you know it you will find that you are in booking heaven, with plenty of parties to carry you forward.
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