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Influencers Invited Sales Blog

A Guide to Dream Client Sales Meeting Preparation

You’ve landed a meeting with a dream client that changes the trajectory of both your career and your company. Given the size of the deal, the project and preparation are also going to be correspondingly large. Seems overwhelming, doesn’t it? Not if you follow this guide. Outline the process in a formal, written timeline. While […]

10 Tips to Prepare A Successful Sales Meeting

Sales meetings can be stressful for everyone involved. Furthermore, there are a lot of managers that do not know how to run a successful sales meeting. With so many numbers and stats to review, it can be difficult to stay on track. Here are some tips to successfully prepare for a sales meeting that will motivate […]

10 Ways to Prepare A Successful Sales Meeting

Sales meetings can be stressful for everyone involved. Furthermore, there are a lot of managers that do not know how to run a successful sales meeting. With so many numbers and stats to review, it can be difficult to stay on track. Here are some tips to successfully prepare for a sales meeting that will […]

Five Ways Not to Embarrass Yourself in a Sales Meeting

How prepared is your team to have a productive meeting with a potential customer? How prepared are you for selling to prospective customers? According to IDC, nearly 57 percent of B2B prospects and customers feel that vendor sales teams are not prepared for the first meeting. Preparation can mean a lot of things–fundamental knowledge of […]

Tips for Using Videoconferencing in Sales

In previous articles, we have addressed the way technology is changing sales and offering new opportunities to find and nurture leads. New social networks can connect you with potential clients, and there are a number of tools you can use to make the presentations you are giving more engaging than ever. Despite all these changes, […]

Using Technology to Improve Your Sales Presentations

Sales presentations are a vital part of each and every representative’s job, which is one of the reasons they’re so challenging. When everyone is using the same tool in the toolkit, making an impression requires executing well and standing out from the crowd. And it is a crowd – Microsoft estimates that more than 30 […]

3 P’s to Conquer your Presentation Anxiety

Does this sound familiar: despite having no qualms preparing for your presentation, you find your heart racing, your stomach queasy, and like cat got your tongue the moment you’re delivering it? You’re certainly not alone. Even seasoned speakers get crippled by the all too familiar presentation anxiety from time to time. Fear of mistakes, mental […]

Effective Persuasion Techniques for Sales

How to make a persuasive sales pitch   Understanding various, effective persuasion techniques could help you make sales and meet targets. It can also create an edge over competitors in the market. Everyone can be persuaded. Persuasion is a process. For some, an art. The objective is to change a person’s attitude and/or behavior towards […]

5 Ways to Handle the “No Budget” Objection

image credit flickr How to Deal with No Budget in Sales It’s no surprise that the biggest objection you’re facing in today’s economy is the “no budget” objection. Now, does this mean that companies aren’t buying anything? Of course not! Think about your own life – you’re still shopping, buying, and getting ready for the […]

The Secret to Setting Appointments with Prospects

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it […]