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5 excellent benefits of mentoring programs in the workplace

The corporate world is undergoing some paradigm changes that no one saw coming a few
years back. The corporate world we see today is a lot different not only in terms of technological
innovations but also in priorities.To explain, businesses are laying more emphasis on employee experience, employee engagement, and workplace optimism than ever before. This is where mentoring programs come into the picture.

Today, the world’s leading organizations including Microsoft, Google, Accenture, and so on offer amazing mentoring programs to their employees. In fact, as per Guider, more than 80 percent of Fortune 500 organizations have well-structured mentoring programs.

Why do you think businesses are investing in mentoring programs? What scope do the largest
corporations of the world see in mentoring programs? Needless to say, there would be some
substantial reasons why the modern corporate world is obsessing over the idea of mentoring

To find answers to these questions, this blog highlights the business benefits of mentoring
programs. With great elucidation, the blog explains how mentoring programs can add immense value to organizational success. So, let us get started without further delay.

How mentoring programs can add to business success

1. Facilitates continuous learning

If we talk about millennials and Gen Z employees, for them, workplace learning is of utmost
importance. To substantiate, as per Lorman, 87 percent of millennials give high priority to
learning and development in the workplace.

The fact of the matter is that when you deliver on your employees’ expectations of effective
learning in the workplace, they respond with greater engagement. To explain, employees have
the basic anticipation that their organizations should invest in their careers. As a leader, when
you can facilitate continuous learning in the workplace, you can boost engagement and

This is where mentoring programs prove to be vital and beneficial. Mentoring arrangements in
the workplace foster a natural learning environment. When your employees look at you as a
mentor, they feel more motivated and confident.

The more effectively they learn the greater the contribution they can make to the organization’s
success, right? Moreover, it is also true that employees are more comfortable in mentor-mentee
relationships than supervisor-subordinate relationships. Having said that, it is essential that
supervisors and managers act as mentors too.

When you create a natural environment of continuous learning through mentoring programs,
you facilitate effective knowledge sharing in the workplace.

Besides, in mentoring arrangements, the workplace relationships are far more positive. This is
for the simple reason that mentoring programs blur the lines of inferiority and superiority that
often hinder workplace collaboration and team building. In mentoring programs, all kinds of
distinctions can be kept at bay.

All in all, with mentoring programs, you can produce great learning outcomes in the workplace.
This for sure will be a win-win situation for everyone. In the ultimate sense, all these factors will
play a crucial role in creating a high-performance culture with high optimism.

2. Promotes a greater sense of belonging

When you show great interest in mentoring your employees, they feel valued and accepted. We
all love the idea of someone investing time and effort for us. Besides, when someone actually
does that, we are more than happy to reciprocate in terms of our effort. This is exactly the kind
of optimism, trust, and belongingness mentoring programs can cultivate in the workplace.

To explain, when leaders play the role of mentors and go out of the way to help their
subordinates, the latter feel they belong in the workplace. This sense of belongingness further
brings out the best performance in them.

To substantiate, as per Deloitte, a strong sense of belongingness in the workplace can enhance
job performance by 56 percent. Besides, by cultivating a strong sense of belonging, you can
also bring down absenteeism by 75 percent. Did you know that?

Moreover, mentoring programs can also be an incredible way to foster trust in the workplace.
Why would employees not trust their seniors when seniors add value to their development in a
genuine way? Besides, there is greater transparency in mentoring arrangements which further
adds to trust.

In fact, did you know that employees in high trust companies are 76 percent more engaged?
Harvard Business. Further, it is also true that in high-trust organizations, burnout rates are 40
percent lower.

The bottom line is, mentoring programs besides cultivating effective learning also contribute
to the cultivation of trust and belongingness in the workplace. This further leads to greater
workplace motivation and exceptional performances.

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Having said that, its business benefits go far beyond being an actionable learning strategy in the
workplace.When you have a workforce that embraces challenges, you can conquer any fort. In fact, for small businesses, mentoring programs can be a perfect start to creating a positive company culture.

3. Brings reduction in training costs

As per Indeed, companies incur an average training cost of USD 1250 for every new hire.
Having said that, it is correct to say that a large part of companies’ operational expenses.
Besides, it is a part of expenses that is vital and indispensable. Of course, you want to ensure
that your employees acquire the skills and expertise that are vital for organizational success.

This explains the importance of reskilling, upskilling, and advanced training programs in the
workplace. Even though training costs cannot be eliminated completely, mentoring programs
can help in a significant reduction.

To explain, mentoring programs endorse practical on-job learning rather than classroom
training. In mentor-mentee relationships, employees learn in a more worthwhile and realistic
manner. They learn under the constant guidance of their seniors while performing their
responsibilities. Such a comprehensive form of learning can produce much greater outcomes
than classroom training.

Having said that, a few modules of classroom training can be eliminated and replaced with
mentoring programs. In this way, thoughtful and meticulous mentoring programs can bring a
significant reduction in training costs. This benefit of mentoring programs will surely have you
interested, isn’t it?

4. Enhances performance management

The dynamics of performance management have evolved along with the evolutions in the
corporate world. In this revamped corporate world we see today, it takes a lot more than usual
to manage employee performance. Today, if you need to excel in performance management, it
is essential that you invest in employee experience.

Having said that, feedback sharing is an imperative part of an exemplary employee experience.
If we talk about millennials and Gen Z employees, they are more receptive to feedback and expect to receive feedback more often. Given the fact that millennials represent the largest working generation, we certainly cannot overlook this trend, can we?

Moreover, as per HubSpot, more than 90 percent of workers are likely to feel disengaged if they
do not receive consistent feedback from their supervisors. To add, more than 40 percent of
highly engaged employees get feedback from their managers every week.

Hence, the need of the hour is to create a mechanism that facilitates continuous feedback sharing in the workplace. This is where mentoring programs can again be of great advantage. In mentoring
arrangements, mentors share regular feedback with their employees and assist them in setting
measurable goals. Besides, mentors also offer emotional and psychological support to their
mentees which proves crucial in creating a high-performance organization.

5. Cultivates greater innovation in the workplace

In modern times, innovation is a competitive advantage that every business looks to build. In
fact, the race today is all about who can be more innovative and creative to stand out from the
rest. Undoubtedly, the idea and virtues of innovation in the workplace seem fascinating. However, what does it take to promote great innovation in the workplace?

To continue, for employees to come up with exemplary innovative ideas, you need to promote a greater
sense of creative liberty, inclusion, and encouragement. Interestingly, with mentoring programs
in the workplace, you can cater to all the prerequisites of creating an environment that inspires

Subsequently, with innovation at the epicenter of the working environment, you can lead your
business to new heights. Mentoring programs give employees the unique opportunity to express themselves, acquire great traits, have a more creative outlook, and bring transformation ideas to the table. As a leader, you do know how these little things can make such a significant difference in the


To recapitulate, a large proportion of the world’s leading enterprises have mentoring programs
of some sort. Businesses see great scope in mentoring programs for enhancing employee
engagement, retention, and learning outcomes in the workplace. It is time you embrace the
trend as well and reap the competitive advantages that mentoring programs have to offer.

About the author

Jessica Robinson loves to write interesting and knowledgeable blogs regarding business management, education and life to satiate the curiosity of her lovely readers. Currently, she is serving as a content manager at the ‘Speaking Polymath’. Every piece of content that she writes demonstrates her immense love and passion for her profession.