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by Rupert Jones
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ALT Keywords: Happy employee holding trophy.
Many companies are waking up to the fact that giving out awards or trophies to their employees has many advantages, both for the workers and the business.
If your company is not yet giving out employee recognition awards, here are eight reasons why you should certainly consider it.
The top reason for giving out awards and trophies to employees within your company is to recognize the accomplishments of your best workers.
When an employee achieves something special or goes above and beyond the call of duty, by recognizing his or her hard work and achievements with an award, the employee can feel proud and valued.
In turn, the award recipient is sure to continue to feel more focused and motivated at the workplace.
Not only will the recipients of awards feel more valued and motivated. Other employees will also be inspired to become more motivated. Therefore, the morale of your employees across the board can be increased.
With greater morale, employees will create a more harmonious work environment and will be happier and more focused in their roles. Your workers will also want to compete with each other in a healthy way, so they can be the ones who are recognized by management for doing good jobs, in the form of an award or trophy.
Here are some other proven methods for boosting employee morale.
Everyone wants to be congratulated for working hard or coming up with innovative ideas. So, you should give out awards to recognize different accomplishments.
For instance, you could give trophies to workers in your sales team who achieve the most sales in a month or you could award someone a trophy that recognizes his or her contributions to a product launch. You could also simply give out Employee of the Month awards.
Furthermore, it is a good idea to customize the awards you give out to make them even more personal to the recipient. Get started with ideas by checking out
By taking such actions, you can make the recipients happy and greatly increase employee retention. That means you can retain your top talent and not have to spend valuable time, money, and resources regularly hiring new workers.
Not only can you retain your top talent when you make giving out awards and trophies a regular part of your company culture. You can also attract the best new workers.
By giving out awards, you show that your company cares about its employees and that you always recognize jobs well done. In turn, that allows you to build a wonderful company culture and workplace environment.
Your reputation as a company that people want to work for will increase over time, and you will then be able to attract the best talent.
We have seen how giving out awards or trophies to deserving employees can boost their motivation and enhance morale throughout the workplace. Well, in turn, that leads to an increase in productivity. So, that is obviously a great reason for giving out awards.
Employee recognition awards can boost productivity in the same way that monetary bonuses and other incentives can. When you give out awards, you will inspire all of your members of staff to work more productively; hoping that they will be rewarded for their hard work.
With greater productivity comes greater profits. So, by giving out trophies or awards to workers who do fantastic jobs, it can benefit both them and your company.
In today’s digital world, many employees go online to complain about their employers when their employers are not acting in the workers’ best interests.
But the opposite is also true. When employees are congratulated for doing good jobs and receive awards or trophies in recognition, it is likely that many will show off their awards on social media.
That means your company gets free positive marketing, which can then strengthen your brand image to your customers and clients.
Giving out awards and trophies is not just about professionalism. While you will be rewarding professionalism and hard work, the act of giving out the awards or trophies can be a lot of fun.
It is usually best to leave the award ceremony until a Friday, at the end of the work week. You can then make the process of giving out awards more fun and help to make your employees feel happy as they go home for the weekend. They will then return more motivated on Monday morning.
Make a big fuss out of the award ceremony. Provide drinks and snacks. You could even play music as people come up to receive their awards. The more fun you make giving out awards or trophies, the happier your workforce will be.
You now know how employee recognition awards can help employees to become happier, more motivated, and more productive, and how they can boost morale among all workers.
Put that all together, and you will realize that the simple act of taking time to give out awards and trophies can massively affect your staff members’ job satisfaction.
There are multiple excellent reasons for giving out awards and trophies within your company.
To recap, you can:
Ultimately, it comes down to this: when you recognize your employees’ hard work and accomplishments with an award or trophy, they will be happier and more motivated. In turn, that enables your company to prosper and grow.
Now, check out four other great ways to grow your business revenue.
About the author
Rupert Jones is a wealth and wellness motivational speaker who also loves to contribute his discoveries in the tech industry. He enjoys cooking while being accompanied by his nosy cat. Catch up with him over at his online space.