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by Christopher Sanderson
You should reflect on the terms “participative management styles” or “socially responsible leadership.” The leaders and organizations that match these explanations are the ones who match the mold of servant leadership.
According to the Center for Servant Leadership, #servantleadership involves a set of practices and a philosophy that deepens the lives of people, makes better establishments and as a result, it creates a caring world. If it induces your ideal of socially responsible administrations, you can consider the places where there is a norm of servant leadership. The term “Servant Leadership” is a classic concept coined by Robert K. Greenleaf in 1970 in his essay, “The Servants as Leaders.” Greenleaf assured that in addition to individuals, the organization would also be servant leaders.
As compared to the authoritarian leader, the servant leaders do not rest on exercising or gaining power in the company. As an alternative, the servant leader:
COMMITS TO ASSISTING EMPLOYEES IMPROVE PERFORMANCE AND DEVELOP EXPERTISE: The #ServantLeader highlights the professional as well as the personal development of other people, to make sure that they have the professional and technical skills and build the knowledge base. REFLECTS THE NEEDS OF THE EMPLOYEES FIRST: The #ServantLeader emphasizes the satisfaction of the employee’s needs. Servant leaders have a strong sense of responsibility and caring for the staff, team, organization or company. CLAIMS THAT THE ORGANIZATION MAKES A SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION TO THE SOCIETY: The #ServantLeader makes sure that the organization advances its nation, region, and community, in addition to the focus on the whole bottom line. UNDERSTANDING THE SERVANT LEADERSHIP THEORY:
There is no flawless leadership technique or theory. There are multiple advantages and downsides of leading as a servant. It is essential to understand the pros and cons to the leadership styles.
Caring conduct of the workers boosts the same treatments to the vendors and customers of the association. #ServantLeadership can enhance society and organization for the long term. A #ServantLeader initiates the positive corporate or organization culture and can spot the fundamental undesirable culture over some time. The #ServantLeader appeals to the trust of the employee, which can enhance the integrity of the institute’s brand and culture. The #leadership style motivates and encourages increased performance from the workers, organization, or teams. CONS:
Critics for instance, Deborah Eicher-Catt trust the leadership style is gender biased and hugely overestimated. Servant leadership takes time to attain positive results. It takes longer to make decisions in the organization. There are plenty more Pros and Cons to #ServantLeadership. The #ServantLeader may not be the ideal fit for each situation; the style is still famous and is appealing to fans and organizational leaders. The #leadership style builds a track record of accomplishment among executives who put their attention on refining the community and their people. Remember #ServantLeadership is a practice and not a science. We can’t study servant leadership or read a book and all of a sudden realign ourselves from what we have always known.
Remember the only constant in life is change. Written by Christopher Sanderson, contributing LEAN Six Sigma Black Belt and US Army Officer Veteran.
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