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by Sarah WilliamsW
Most people believe that their problems in life are so unique and different that nobody else on earth has had them before so there is no way some author in some book somewhere could help them. This is probably one of the biggest hurdles for people who don’t read self-help books to overcome.
Yes, your problems are personal. However, I can almost guarantee you that whatever issues you have in your life, someone else out there has already had them before and most probably overcame them and then wrote a book about it. Why should you read them to improve your leadership skills?
Typical self-development authors spend hundreds or thousands of hours refining the techniques, strategies, opinions, systems and processes they are communicating and sharing with you in their books. For most of them, the books represent the answers and strategies they have spent a large portion of their lifetime searching for at a cost of thousands or possibly MILLIONS of dollars.
In most cases, there is no need to re-invent the wheel. Learn about the wheel, what it does, how it works, and then learn how you can apply the wheel to make your life easier, but don’t re-invent the wheel if you don’t have to.
All self-development resources are not created equal, some are much, much better then others and some authors will resonate with you much more then others, but in general from the hundreds of books that I’ve read, I don’t remember a single time when I felt that the book I purchased was not worth the price it sold for. In most cases even a “bad” book will have a few ‘gold nuggets’. Really good books can easily be worth millions of dollars to you throughout your life time.
In fact, quite the contrary is true. Big leaders understand that the more they share with the world, the more wealth they build, so the most common problem you are going to actually encounter is not the fact that wealthy people are hiding something from you, the problem you are going to have to learn to overcome is them sharing TOO MUCH with you. They share with you their principles and philosophies related to the subject at hand and it is your job to properly understand, filter and apply the specific principles to your life.
As a leader or future leader you should treat books as investment to develop your skills. A typical book might only cost you $24.99, but a seminar which contains similar information might cost $2,499.99. Although there are advantages to seeing certain seminars live, I typically won’t go to see someone until I have read at least a few of their books to see if they are someone I would be willing to invest in seeing live in person.
In summary, I believe that in order to build long term wealth you are going to need to invest time and money growing your biggest asset, which is yourself. I have found that one of the best ways to do this is to take advantage of and leverage the great amount of self-development books available in the marketplace to help you with this.
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