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by NASP Team
When it comes to thinking about the meaning of success, it can be difficult to arrive at one’s own definition without considering the accomplishments of other people.
At the end of the day, however, this is unhelpful; rather, you should be asking what success is for you.
No two people are the same. Therefore, one person’s definition of success might look completely different from someone else’s.
There’s nothing wrong with that—in fact, the best way to determine what success is in life is to think about what your goals are and what brings you happiness.
You cannot arrive at a useful definition of success by only considering the lives of others. So, what does it mean to be successful in life?
How can you define success? And why is it so important to do so?
In this article, we answer these very questions and provide you with examples of a few different ways to measure success.
The best place to start with a definition of success is with the meaning of the word itself. Collins Dictionary provides a few definitions.
It describes success as “the achievement of something you have been trying to do,” “the achievement of a high position in a particular field,” or someone or something that “achieves a high position, makes a lot of money, or is admired a great deal.”
When people ask how to be a successful person, they are probably thinking of this latter definition.
Indeed, as a society, we often tend to judge the success of others by looking at their material wealth or public standing.
But when asking the question, “what is success in life?” this very basic definition leaves a lot of us baffled.
Looking at the etymology of success provides us with an excellent place to start when considering our personal definition of the word.
According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the word success comes from the Latin noun successus, meaning “an advance, a coming up; a good result, happy outcome.”
Consider the latter part of this definition: “a good result, happy outcome.” What makes a result a “good” one? And what makes an outcome “happy”?
Surely, this depends entirely on what one’s goals were in the first place. Therefore, it is only by considering your own goals that you can determine what success—that “happy outcome”—really looks like.
Before coming up with your own definition of success, it can be useful to think about how other people define it in their own lives.
Remember, your idea of what a successful person is might look very different in the end—and that’s perfectly alright!
Nonetheless, seeing what other people think about the meaning of success can help you come up with your own ideas.
So, what does being successful mean to others?
Depending on the person, it could mean many things: from acquiring professional acclaim and wealth to living a long, content life and building a healthy, happy family.
Here are a few different opinions on the definition of success from some names you might recognize:
“I have always found that my view of success has been iconoclastic: success to me is not about money or status or fame, it’s about finding a livelihood that brings me joy and self-sufficiency and a sense of contributing to the world.” — Dame Anita Roddick, entrepreneur and activist.
“Success isn’t about how much money you make. It’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.” — Michelle Obama, former First Lady of the United States of America.
“ … having a lot of money does not automatically make you a successful person. What you want is money and meaning. You want your work to be meaningful, because meaning is what brings the real richness to your life.” — Oprah Winfrey, talk show host and philanthropist.
Want more inspirational quotes?
Based on the quotations above from three of the world’s most successful and influential women, it would seem that people’s definition of success often goes beyond wealth and professional accomplishments.
At this point, you might be thinking, “But that is what success means to me!” If that’s the case, don’t worry!
There’s nothing wrong with wanting these things for yourself. But we’d encourage you to think about what else is important to you in life.
Having thought about other definitions of success, it’s time to consider the one that matters most: your own.
So, keeping in mind the points we’ve discussed so far, what does being successful mean to you?
Take a moment. Ask yourself: What is personal success? Then, set aside some time to reflect on the above questions.
Make sure to take your time on this exercise, and consider writing your thoughts down. This should help you come to a clear definition of success.
But the question remains—why does any of this matter in the first place? In this article, we’ve asked you to think about how you define success, without having explained its real importance.
Everyone at some point has wondered: “How can I be successful in life?” Many people make the crucial mistake of not considering the meaning of success first.
When your definition of success is based solely on the standards of others, it is unlikely that you’ll be able to find true happiness and contentment.
It is only by considering what is important to you that you’ll find true success and a sense of purpose.
At the end of the day, we all want to feel that we’ve been successful in our lives. However, this will look wildly different to different individuals.
So, how do you determine success? What does it mean to you?
By considering these questions and arriving at a definition of success that is true to your worldview, you are bound to live a truly satisfying and fulfilling life.
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