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How to Write a Sales Pitch

Sales Pitch - NASP


A sales pitch is an effective tool to convince your prospects that your product or service can solve their problems. If you have a B2B business, you will have a longer process of creating a sales pitch.

This is because the decision-making process in a B2B sphere is long. Whereas, the process of creating a sales pitch for a B2C business will be short, and less time-consuming. 


If you are wondering how to write a sales pitch, this article is for you. Writing the right sales pitch is not something you can master overnight.

You will have to consider certain factors about your audience and do your research before you can write an effective sales pitch. The longer the sales process, the longer it will take you to create a sales pitch. 


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In this article today, we will explain the major components of the sales pitch and how you write a winning sales pitch.

Let’s get started! 


3 Components to Consider While Writing a Sales Pitch 

If you are just starting out, write sales pitch examples keeping in view these components. The three parts of a sales pitch are:


  1. The Pain Point: The problem that your audience is facing. 
  2. The Solution: The effectiveness of the solution that you are offering. 
  3. Call to Action: An irresistible call to action to motivate them to opt for your solution. 


Today, customers need a customized solution to their problems, rather than the a traditional one size fits all solution. When writing sales pitch, do research.

Demonstrate active listening skills as you ask open-ended questions from your audience.  


How to Write a Sales PitchSource


Start your sales pitch with a problem statement that your audience face. About 69% of buyers want salespersons to listen to their needs.

To become an extraordinary salesperson, you must understand and address the pain point of your audience. 


How to Write a Winning Sales Pitch?

Writing a winning sales pitch takes time. If you have a B2B audience, writing a sales pitch might take weeks or months even with the best B2B marketing strategy.

However, if you have a B2C business, writing a sales pitch takes you just a few days.


Pay attention to the following tips and tricks as you write a winning sales pitch:


Identify Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience and customer psychology is crucial because it will help you design a product/service that aligns with their needs.

This is important particularly if you want to figure out how to write a sales pitch for a product or a service.


You can take the following steps to establish your target audience:


  1. Make a list of the benefits of your offer and the problems that it can solve for a person or a business. 
  2. Conduct research to figure out which individuals and businesses face the problems that your offer can solve. 

Once you have identified these individuals or businesses, you will have your target audience. 


After identifying your audience, make sure to write sales pitch where you directly address them. For instance, if you’re selling educational toys for kids, you can open with something like:


  • Do you want your child to learn while playing? 
  • With our educational toys, your child will quickly pick up basic knowledge while also having fun at the same time. 


If you offer web designing services to e-commerce businesses or any , your opening can be:


  • Do you want your customers to have a seamless shopping experience through your website? 
  • With our well-designed e-commerce websites, you can ensure that all your visitors turn into customers.


Your Sales Pitch should Address the Problem and Offer Solution 

A prospect would only be interested in your offer if it’s personalized and brings value to him. Make them feel valued by addressing their problem.  

For example, if you have marketing software that helps businesses to increase revenue, ask them if they would like to improve their current revenue by 15%. Then offer your product as the means to achieve that goal.

This process will help you become your prospect’s top priority


If you are pitching for the first time, write your expertise and credentials in the opening para. But don’t overdo it. It will help them understand, they are in good hands.

However, if you are following up with the pitch you made in the past, just give them an update about what you’ve been up to in your business before you could pitch them. 


Add Stats and Testimonials

It is always a good idea to add stats in your sales pitch to back up the claims you have made to your prospects.


  • Include data: Add data about the customer research you conducted in the past to evaluate the effectiveness of your products, you can use that data in your sales pitch. 
  • Leverage testimonials: Testimonials and reviews are far more persuasive than stats. They prove through real-life examples that the product or service you are offering is effective in resolving the problems of your prospects. 


Keep Your Sales Pitch Clear and Concise 

If you spend too much time discussing a weak point that has little to do with your target audience, your prospects will lose interest. Therefore, make sure that your sales pitch is clear and to the point. The longer you take to get to the point, the weaker would be the attention hook. 


You can use pitch decks to keep your sales pitch clear and concise while also making it aesthetically pleasing. Consider researching outstanding sales deck examples to see how you can create the most effective deck.


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End with a CTA

Don’t forget to end your sales pitch with a compelling call to action! Think of ways you can make your call to action more appealing to persuade your audience to take quick action. 

You can also add a time limit to your call to action and explain to your prospect that they will benefit from making a quick decision.


For instance, an effective CTA can be, “if you give us a call within the next 10 days, you can get a 10% discount.”

A few other examples of a B2B CTA are: 


  • Are you available for a call next week for further discussion?
  • Do you have 15 minutes this week to hear more about our products?
  • Don’t hesitate to contact our sales team if you are stuck on a point. 


How to Write a Compelling Sales Pitch – Bonus Points

Not sure what kind of sales pitch to write? The following ideas might help you to write a compelling sales pitch:


  • Tell a Story: You can tell the story of how your product benefited a customer or how you came up with the idea for your business or any small business packaging ideas. But make sure that your story is short and relevant to your offer. 
  • Appeal to their Emotions: Figure out what you have in common with the prospect so you can empathize with them while addressing their pain point. You can appeal to their emotions by writing a sales pitch that revolves around their life experiences. 
  • Keep it Conversational: If your sales pitch sounds like a monologue, your audience will quickly lose interest. Instead of adopting a formal tone, keep it conversational. 




As you plan to write a compelling sales pitch for your next prospect, focus on the needs of the buyer instead of writing a general sales pitch and you will be able to get the results you want.

Don’t forget to end your sales pitch with a call to action to encourage your prospect to complete the purchase. 

About the author

Nayana is a passionate Digital Marketer who specializes in SEO, Email Marketing, Social Media Outreach and Community Relationship Management. She is currently the SEO Tech Lead and Outreach Manager at Visme.