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by Gloria Martinez
Are you looking for ways to improve your prospects, but aren’t sure where to start? If your career is in need of invigorating, you have a few avenues to explore. Here are some insights on methods for reaching new heights in your work-related goals.
Think through options
Anytime your career feels lifeless, it’s important to choose one direction so you can focus efforts toward the next achievement. Think about where you want to be in five years. Are you interested in staying with your company, getting a degree, or heading out on your own? How you envision yourself and what gives you motivation will be the keys to developing steps toward an attainable solution. Consider what makes you tick, since the chances of you being happy and successful are better when your work meshes well with your personality and style. If your current situation isn’t a good fit, one idea is to take a career quiz to help you find a better path.
Hang your own shingle
One way to refresh a stalled career is to start your own business. Maybe you have skills you’re ready to employ as a freelance consultant, or it’s time to see if an idea you’re chewing on could be a money-maker. Before going too far, there are some i’s to dot and t’s to cross. For instance, there will be startup costs, you’ll need a business plan, and you’ll have to choose a smart business location.
Many people dip into e-commerce these days, which can be an excellent, low-cost startup option. Consider jumping into something like dropshipping. Pick a product you feel passionate about, develop a user-friendly website, and think about how you’ll cover essentials like customer service. The more you think through details, the better the outcome will be, right down to how you will accept payments from customers. You can read through this guide from Square for help with all the ins and outs of starting a business.
Fork in the road
Sometimes the road to success requires a shift of direction. If you’re considering a complete career change, you might feel more than a bit overwhelmed. Even if you are looking at drastic changes, it’s important to know you don’t need to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Spin your resume in a manner that sheds relevant, positive light on your experiences and achievements, showing how they will feed into the next venture. Give your cover letter extra consideration, since it’s an opportune place to explain to prospective employers what is driving your decisions and how they will benefit. Even if you’re considering a midlife trip back to school, LifeHack points out some jobs are well worth it.
Speak up and point out
Are you interested in climbing higher at your current workplace but feel you’re being overlooked? If so, you’re not alone. Some statistics indicate there is a notable disparity between women who receive promotions and their male counterparts. It appears men are similarly more inclined to point out their achievements to the powers that be, so make it a point to ensure your supervisors are aware of your efforts and accomplishments.
Sometimes we’re overlooked because of an efficiency issue. If your performance could use tweaking, find ways to grow. Evaluate your schedule and workstyle to see if you could lift and tuck here and there. Are your top priorities at times of day you feel sluggish? Move your big ticket items to when you have the most energy, and move easy or mundane tasks to other periods. Could you delegate more? Enlist the services of those lower on the totem pole, or talk with your supervisor about adding help if need be. For example, NBC News notes putting an intern under your wing can a healthy decision both you and your employer.
If it’s time to explore your prospects, consider what direction is best for you. Whether starting a new business, going in a fresh direction, or getting noticed in your current workplace, you can reframe your career and regain your passion. Before you know it, you’ll have that necessary boost, and will be living your dream!
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