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by Michaela Wilbanks
There’s no denying that many businesses have ramped up their DEI efforts in recent years, yet the sales industry is struggling to keep up. In fact, the U.S. Census American Community Survey found that the sales industry has the third largest gender equity gap in America, despite studies proving teams with more gender diversity outperform […]
by NASP Team
ROI, or return on investment, is the measurement of how much you spent on an email marketing campaign against the sum of the earnings it resulted in. In other words, ROI is a ratio that shows if something was worth the trouble of doing. According to recent studies, e-pigeons are quite effective: not only do […]
In 1974, the Italian company Ferrero introduced the Kinder Chocolate Egg. The tiny toy inside intrigued children. And what a joy – to get it, they had to eat a delicious milk chocolate egg. Marvelous! It’s no surprise that this product is still being sold all around the world. Looking at this example can […]
Baby boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z—these days, no matter what age you are, people are perfectly happy to slot you neatly into a little generational box and call it a day. Is this right? While differences in age and perspective can result in varying social values, no one is defined solely by what year […]
Effective Sales Phrases for Closing Closing is a crucial part of the sales cycle, and yet it is occasionally overlooked. So much attention is given to generating leads, qualifying clients, and presenting your products; and while these are all important, so is closing the sale. Questions and closing phrases can help you do that. In […]
by Stacey Hall
Decade after decade, sales training programs have taught to sell first and build relationships later. This approach is the same as seeing a stranger on the street whom you find attractive and asking him or her to marry you—without so much as asking to meet for coffee first. It is not beyond reason to expect […]
Sales meetings are a key part of running any successful sales team, but they are all too often seen as just another tedious obligation, another item to tick off the workday itinerary. When used effectively, however, a sales team meeting can be an effective tool to help your employees perform at their best. By […]
by Vladyslav Muzyka
Blockchain technology has emerged over the last few years and completely transformed how we see tech. It infiltrated many industries, such as banking, education, healthcare, the energy sector, real estate, and many others. Luckily for many, B2B sales were also affected, as they are part of the chain. But what is the impact of the […]
by Erika Rykun
Searching for the best sales management books? We’ve saved you some time on googling and comparing the books and created a list of must-reads selected by experts who explain why each of those is worth not simply reading but using as a guide to close more sales day to day. Sip knowledge from the […]
by Dan M
Image Credits: Pexels With the explosion of online sales and demand for efficient call center services, Customers feel delighted when calling a company line and receiving human feedback. Speaking to human beings like themselves gives them a sense of relaxation. It could be a complaint, asking questions, or making an order. Apart from these agents, […]