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5 Mental Attitudes of Winners

Success in sales, as in all of life, starts by developing and maintaining a winning attitude. Simply put, all top performers expect that they are going to succeed, and because of this they consistently take the actions that lead them to achieve their goals and become successful.     It is their mindset that allow […]

Experienced Sales Reps

Should You Hire Them? Who would you rather hire for your inside sales team – an experienced rep with experience selling different products or services across several companies, or someone new to sales, say a college graduate, or how about a waiter or bar tender or someone one else new to sales? The proper answer […]

What the NFL Can Teach You about Your Inside Sales Team

Every so often, a person comes along who changes their field of study in a major way. Louis Pasteur changed the world of medicine with his introduction of the germ theory. Thomas Edison changed our world through the use of electricity. Albert Einstein changed modern physics. Steve Jobs changed the world of computing. And Paul […]

3 Ways to Improve Your Listening Skills

In sales, the ability to truly listen is what separates the Top 20% of producers from the bottom 80%. Now when I say “listen,” I mean much more than just hearing what a prospect is saying. Many sales reps hear their prospects, but because they are unprepared to handle various objections or questions, they are […]

How to Build Relevant Rapport

How to Build Relevant Rapport We all know the importance of building rapport over the phone. Let’s face it, people tend to do business with people they like, know or trust. What you may not know, though, is that talking about the latest sports scores or schmoozing about vacation spots is not an effective way […]

5 Ways to Handle the “No Budget” Objection

image credit flickr How to Deal with No Budget in Sales It’s no surprise that the biggest objection you’re facing in today’s economy is the “no budget” objection. Now, does this mean that companies aren’t buying anything? Of course not! Think about your own life – you’re still shopping, buying, and getting ready for the […]

How to Write Winning Emails

How to Write Winning Emails: I don’t know about you, but my email open rate is going the way of voicemails – rarely listened to, and quickly deleted. What I’ve found, however, is that there are some techniques that can give you the best chance of getting your emails read and even responded to, but […]

How to Use Layering Questions

How to Use Layering Questions: First, for those of you who have seen me live, you know that I am big on questioning your prospects during the qualification stage. As I’ve said – your prospects have all the answers as to why they will buy or not buy, and it is your job to get […]

How to Motivate Sales Teams In a Tough Economy

How to Motivate Sales Teams : Sales reps have it tough today – not only are their clients and prospects harder to sell, but even their companies have pulled back a lot of the incentives they used to reward and motivate their performance. It started back in December 2008 when many companies cancelled their holiday […]

Three Simple Rules for Success in Sales

If you want to know what truly separates top performers in sales, then look no further than these three simple characteristics below. Each and every top professional I know practices these habitually, and when I focused on these early in my career, I, too, became the top producer in my office of 25 sales reps. […]