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by NASP Team
Purchase orders are great pieces of documentation that no business can do without. They’re not just for keeping track of what’s spent but also for managing supplies. So, to avoid issues related to lack of documentation, you need to create a purchase order. If you don’t know how to make one, then stick around; […]
When undertaking any new task, it’s important that you base your decisions on solid research data. Why? Because this is the best way to guarantee your success. This is just as true in sales as it is in all other areas of life. One aspect of sales in which appropriate research is especially vital is […]
by Pearl Holland
What is Sales Value Proposition? A sales value proposition is the unique selling point of your service, product, or anything you offer to the customer/client/prospect. Most organizations put a limited amount of time on this feature and focus much of their attention only on doing what the competition is doing. Therefore, it’s one of the […]
by Amit Chauhan
Image source: Pexels If you’re a business owner, or a project manager striving to increase sales and annual revenue of your business, the seamless collaboration between the marketing and sales team becomes an absolute necessity. Marketing and sales professionals cannot operate in silos. Every team member from both departments needs to be on the same […]
by David Campbell
Image source: Unsplash It may be the oldest form of digital marketing, but often the oldies are the best for a reason. Yes, that’s right – email still reigns supreme when it comes to generating sales and leads for your eCommerce business. There’s nothing quite like the ability to send marketing material directly to your […]
by Jada Wyatt
[Webinar Recap]3 Tips For Becoming Your Prospects Top Priority: “Just consider these statistics: The average cold email response rate is 1%, which means for every 100 people you email, you’re getting through to one person (and probably bothering the other 99)” (ClearBit). Lavender is an application for sales professionals to learn how to increase […]
by Bryan Osorio
If you are wondering about the importance of payment systems, today we will explain why they are important. If you set them up properly, your work will be much easier, and it will bring in much more income and enable you to perform several transactions automatically. Payment service applications are used so that you can […]
by Nelly M
If you think email is dead, you could not be more wrong. It is stronger than ever and remains the best strategy for your business. Despite all the talk about video marketing, affiliate marketing, social media, and SEO, email marketing is still the most effective marketing channel. How Should Email Marketing be Organized? Email marketing […]
by Hernan Rodriguez
A lot of people believe that business technology apps for business process automation can replace hard work and discipline. As a Sales Professional, Certified on Artificial Intelligence Implications for Business Strategy, I can tell you that’s not the case. Today there is no replacement for hard work, strategic planning and discipline, which are the basic […]
by Micheline Nijmeh
To successfully manage the pipeline, organizations must know the number of opportunities in the pipeline, the value of every deal in the pipeline, how long prospects spend in the pipeline, and the win rate. While CRM tools historically have done a good job delivering much of this data, advanced sales engagement tools are now coming […]