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When undertaking any new task, it’s important that you base your decisions on solid research data. Why? Because this is the best way to guarantee your success.
This is just as true in sales as it is in all other areas of life. One aspect of sales in which appropriate research is especially vital is when seeking out prospects for your business.
Researching potential clients is a good way of making sure you are fully prepared to deliver a great sales pitch and field any tricky questions that might be fired your way.
In this article, we’ll discuss how you can research your prospects using a particularly helpful tool: the internet.
As we’ve mentioned, taking the time to properly research your sales prospects is absolutely a necessity. But why exactly does it matter so much?
Well, as it turns out, sales pitches founded on research and data are far more likely to be received well by clients.
As the below diagram shows, executives respond more positively to promotional content containing real data that’s pertinent to them.
When you research prospects fully, it allows you to cater your sales pitch to them, personalizing it to meet their specifications. A well-researched sales pitch has authority that would otherwise be lacking from your presentation.
So, when searching for information about your potential sales prospects, what should you look for? What information do you need to ensure your presentation is as effective and powerful as possible?
In this section, we’ll walk you through a few important points to consider when researching sales prospects.
These pointers are by no means an exhaustive list of all you should consider, but, at the very least, they should give you a good place to start. Consider each of the following bullet points carefully when considering your pitch.
Of course, the main focus of your research should be on your prospect’s company itself. Some questions you may want to ask include:
Taking all of this information into account, consider what needs the company has and whether or not you can address them.
As well as finding out about your prospect’s company, you’ll also need to find out a little about the prospect themself during your sales research. Ask the following:
Again, this short list should not be seen as exhaustive. These are only a few beginner questions to help you get started in your research. Nonetheless, they should prove useful.
These days, research in sales is easier than ever. This is largely due to the ever-growing popularity of the internet.
Where once upon a time you would have had to scour multiple physical sources or place phone calls to get the information you needed, now you have it all at just the click of a button.
In this section, we’ll discuss how you can use the internet to research prospects, explaining the various tools and features you’ll be able to make use of during your investigation. Read on to find out more!
As we’ve touched on already, one of the biggest benefits of using the internet for your sales research is the sheer amount of information made available to you.
By just typing in a handful of words, you can find out just about anything you could ever want to know.
When researching prospects, the internet gives you access to lots of different sources, including:
Through consulting these various sources, you should be more than able to find all the information you require to make a dazzling product presentation.
Thanks to social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and so on, networking is easier than ever before. This will also help you during your sales research. But how?
It’s simple. Through using these sites, you can find out more about your prospect’s interests and determine whether or not you have any mutual acquaintances.
Someone’s social media page can tell you a lot about them—from the circles they frequent, to the interests they have and the causes that mean a lot to them. Be sure to put this information to good use when trying to secure a sale!
By using social media, you can also keep tabs on developments within your industry, meaning you will be better able to respond to topical questions and concerns.
We’ve already spoken about the wealth of information available to you on the internet. But the question remains, how do you access this information in the first place? Just how are you supposed to find that all?
You probably already know the answer: search engines!
These days, we use search engines all the time, whether to check a company’s opening times, research a project, or just look up the name of that familiar-looking actor we just can’t place. But how can you use search engines effectively when researching sales prospects?
Below, we’ve included a link to a handy tutorial on how to Google effectively.
We’d recommend giving it a watch to make sure you’re making the most of this handy tool!
Researching your prospects thoroughly is a must when putting together effective sales pitches. In this day and age, it’s easier than ever to do so, thanks to the internet.
In a time when the world wide web has just become another part of day-to-day life, one we often take for granted, it can be easy to overlook the many ways in which it can help us with our work.
We hope this article has given you something to think about and that you’ll make the most of the online resources available to you the next time you find yourself researching sales prospects.
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