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5 Ways You Can Turn Your Ideas Into Products

Innovation is the open secret of successful entrepreneurs and companies today. They develop ideas to make work easier or make things accessible to others. However, most innovators cannot turn these ideas into actual products. This is because they barely have the internal resources to actualize these ideas or do not have the funds to invest in machinery to bring them to reality. 

Without proper assistance, many innovations would have remained ideas. This assistance can come in various ways to help move this process along. In this article, we’ll discuss the trusted ways you can turn your ideas into products through various forms of manufacturing. Let’s jump right in.

1. Documentation

 First of all, thinking of an idea makes it a product. However, ideas are not tangible and infinite. Forgetting to document an idea is missing out a step. Documenting your ideas helps track your process and proves that those ideas are yours. It helps to establish ownership right of the product idea. Documenting should happen at every stage of an idea.

Putting down in writing how the product will be working, how it will be made, and finally, how it will be marketed. Documenting your ideas prevents them from being stolen. These ideas can be written in an inventor’s journal, after which a witness will sign it. An inventor’s journal that can be presented in court must be one whose pages are consecutively numbered and cannot be removed or reinserted. This inventor’s journal is what you’ll work with throughout the production process.

2. Thorough Research

Research is an important stage of turning your ideas into products. Researching ideas should come from a legal and business standpoint. Be it a restaurant scheduling app or something else; researching can help you in each case. Market research will help determine how consumers and businesses can use your products. Knowledge about this product will give you enough information and prepare you for what you should expect along the line. It also helps you know about the product’s copyright and intellectual Property law. From the legal standpoint, it helps to know if the product doesn’t already exist and has been patented. Adequate research gives you ideas about who your potential competitors are.

3. Contract Manufacturing

Contract manufacturing involves an agreement between two companies to produce goods for an agreed period. It is a form of an outsourced process and can be very beneficial in turning your ideas into products. This method helps individuals and companies manifest ideas and compete in previously impossible ways.

This business agreement allows the innovator to pay for the necessary components required to assemble products or to manufacture a finished product from scratch. At the same time, the manufacturer deals with production. A company with an idea for a product and doesn’t have the means of manufacturing that product can contact a contract manufacturing company.

The hiring company either pitches the idea or provides a design or formula to the contract manufacturer to replicate or improve upon. This process is made easy through contract manufacturing software. This software helps to manage the business relationship with the contract manufacturer. It also helps to effectively coordinate all aspects of this relationship, including tracking manufacturing costs, making precise pricing decisions, getting total inventory control as the items move between the company and the supplier warehouses, and managing all the documentation associated with the contract.


A significant advantage of this software is the ability to automate many processes which would otherwise be time-consuming. Creating new orders, tracking costs and payments, and updating customers’ records are easily accessible to anyone.

4. Make a prototype

A prototype is an initial model of a product. Making a prototype for your product idea will help you discover and solve production issues and other problems that might come up later while trying to launch the product. Making a prototype can also help come up with better or new features for the product. This can be done personally or by outsourcing for help; you can decide to pay a manufacturer to create a prototype for your product idea. Making a prototype goes through sketching, where you illustrate your ideas in an inventor’s journal. Then Mockup where a 3-D model of your product idea using any material is built. Lastly, the Model, where you create a complete working model for your product. 

5. File a patent

A patent should not be filed until a completed prototype has been created. You won’t own the rights to any changes made to your invention after filing a patent, so it is necessary to ensure you’ve got a product you’re happy with before filing a patent. There are two major types of patents; a utility patent and a design patent. A patent should, however, not be filed without the help of a patent lawyer. This ensures that your patent is fully protected and protects you from future legal battles.


In many cases, idea-inceptors may not have the necessary resources to actualize those ideas. It just makes sense to outsource product manufacture to third-party companies specializing in manufacturing these products. They have better technologies for manufacturing them. It leads to increased efficiency and can help scale up the production process to produce more in a shorter period. You can bring your ideas to life using the most suitable way.

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