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by Mukesh Shah
You are a sales pro so know the most important task is to get a meeting with a prospect.
Your prospects are recruiters and hiring managers. You have three challenges.
1. First, pass the ATS Application Tracking Software
2. Get the attention of recruiters. The 6-second test you have to clear
3. Interest hiring manager
3 Winners
I will tell you, three winners, to overcome each of these three challenges.
You sales professionals understand one thing that result is survival, and you are the only one responsible for it. All other pros have the luxury to pass blame elsewhere but you sales guys and gals can’t do it.
This trait you show on your resume and the result of your resume will be as per your desire.
The purpose of a resume is to get an interview. Period. How you do it.
You sell all the time now you have to sell yourself. So it is very easy you think. But very few are successful with resume creation and struggle.
Let us start with basics.
Know your prospects
Your prospects are recruiters and hiring managers. You always talk the language of the prospects. What they want, their problem. You try to address it and prospects will listen and will be interested in your talk.
Recruiters and hiring managers want to know what you can do for them, how you perform the tasks they want to hire you to do.
You tell these from your work. How you do it, what results you have etc. The best way to do it is telling a story.
How you tell a story
First decide on their job requirement and description what are the task, what you have to sell, who are the target audience.
When you identify it, think of a relevant work you did in any of the jobs. Think few tough sales calls you remember and write it down. Write in details how you approach, the problem faced, handle objections, etc. The results in value term to the company. Your colleagues and bosses comment for your this effort. How different you were than routine for this particular task.
It is your story, and when you tell, it resonates well with recruiters and hiring managers.
Let me give you an example. It is from one sales position resume I recently did.
My 110%+ Goals Story
I am an aggressive seller and had goals in mind. To reach “Winner’s Circle” I had to average 110% to goal throughout the year to be eligible for the Award, and that was not always easy due to the competition. What I did differently? I did lots of secret shopping on the competitors such as DirecTV, Dish Network, and AT&T to strategize my sales technique. That made me trainer also.
Cox Communications — Oklahoma City, Ok Account Manager 9/2013-5/2014 Responsible for the development and facilitation of various training topics for 20+ stores to ensure complete knowledge of products, services, and independent associate development. I Gave sales training to all levels of employees. Responsible for prioritizing, identifying, and publishing the marketing and educational content with all staff member associated one on one. Provide work direction and coaching to employees for career/personal development. Handle day-to-day relationship management, cold calling, outside prospecting, and maintenance of clients. Responsible for building customer relations. Meet and exceed sales goal. ________________________________________________________________
You address one challenge.
The Big Challenge
The big challenge is to make them read your resume, and for it, you need to get their attention.
As a sales pro, you get attention from your opening statement and your personality. Your dress and first sentences will establish your perception. Favorable or unfavorable.
Your resume is virtual you in person. Your first sentence build your perception. That is mostly you have is your name. It won’t work. You will use it differently, and I will tell you how in a minute.
Let us get the attention of the recruiter.
To get it you put a headline on resume telling upfront what you will contribute to the company. Say what benefit they have or what loss they have by not hiring you.
The best attention-getting headline I have for you is
“What (Company Name) will lose by not hiring (Your Name)? — New Customers”
Make sure you have a headline.
Branding your resume
You have addressed two challenges. Now the third one.
It is also to get attention but add value to your personality. You should be perceived differently. Recruiter and hiring manager must feel you are an important and real deal for sales pro they are looking.
To do it you have to position yourself.
You have to brand yourself. Let me show how you differentiate by branding.
All you have is your name on your resume. I brand you with the functional title.
(Your Name)
A 110% Sales Pro
Take a title test.
You send your resume in an email. So your resume is visible in an email as per the file name you saved your resume. Your resume will be visible as
If you give your name as most of you do
(Name) resume docx
When you give functional name as I suggested it will be visible as
(Name) a 110% Sales Pro docx.
Imagine what the recruiter and hiring manager will remember? You name resume or distinct functional name resume.
Plus further what they will see when they open your resume. See before and after form one accounting resume.
Resume Headling Before
(Name) Accountant
Address: Email: Phone: LinkedIn Profile:
Resume After Makeover
Add an Accountant who never missed a deadline, budget, and target to (Company Name) Team
Troubleshooter Accountant (Name)
You have three winners for your next resume. Put them and get your desired interview.
You can see the resume at Job Getting Resume
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