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by Kellie D'Andrea
As we enter a new year and commit to our professional and personal resolutions there is one word that comes to mind: Dedication. Dedication is focusing your energy and all of your efforts on a task or to a particular course of action until they are complete. No exceptions and no matter what challenges or obstacles we must overcome.
When you think of professional athletes, mega stars or business icons; you naturally think of success and achievement. What most people don’t realize is the journey that all of those folks had to take to get to where they are today included obstacles, challenges and hard times. All of them started exactly where you are now and did not get to where they are simply because of skill, talent or luck but with a combination of those things led by fierce determination and a commitment to making things happen.
So as you are trying to close that deal or get that one prospect on the phone that has been difficult, don’t give up. If you have been looking to find a vendor to help streamline your business or are trying to negotiate a better rate and it is getting challenging… keep at it. If you are trying launch your business, network, deal with issues, create products, build your marketing funnel, handle client request, deal with issues and the list goes on and on and on…. Know this – with dedication, you will reach your desired result if you are truly committed to reaching them without exception.
You own 100% of your actions and 100% of your results. I encourage you to aim high, use powerful resolve and stand firm on your beliefs and your commitments and you will achieve everything you set out to achieve.
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