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by Dhiraj Wagh
As a sales rep, it is pretty natural for you to get attached to your product or service after putting in so much hard work into making its presence felt to the world. It can make you think that others would gravitate towards the features it has to offer. However, the ground reality is that when people face challenges, they are searching for a solution and not a product. Regardless of the wonderful features of your product, you have to show what it has to offer to its user.
You have to understand that prospects are interested in seeing how the product you are offering can solve their problem. They don’t want to listen to the endless tales about its capabilities. You have to shift focus on solving prospects’ problems with your product rather than boasting about its features.
Whenever you tell prospects about a new product or service, the prospect wants to know what is in it for them. So, to sell your product or service, you have to focus on how it solves the customer pain point of prospects.
Here is how you can focus on providing a solution to prospects instead of pushing your product,
As a sales rep, it is essential to know your product well. You should have all its features, unique selling points, and its capabilities by heart. Having complete knowledge of what you are selling will help you when the prospect asks you out-of-the-box questions about your product. It will also help you speak confidently to the prospect and present the details better. You never know; the prospect might get impressed by your style and close the deal instantly.
If you are a sales team lead, it is necessary to provide the sales reps with all the product features and required marketing materials. Doing so will make sure that they are well-equipped to handle various situations they may face while conversing with prospects.
2. Take time to understand the prospect’s problems
To sell your solution, you first have to understand the Pain point that your prospects face. Try placing yourself in their situation and take a look at the problem in front of you. Get a historical view of the problems prospects have been facing and at the same time tell them what other problems may arise in the future. Only when you know the problem inside-out can you convey to the prospect that your product or service fit in perfectly to their needs. That is why you have to know thoroughly about the difficulty they are going through.
You can create a customer persona so that you have a ready reckoner to refer back to if you get similar prospects later on.
3. Ask open-ended questions
When you talk to the prospect, you should ask open-ended probing sales questions. It will enable you to present a personalized solution to them. Your questions should be such that they make the prospect provide a detailed insight into their situation. It is essential to get the prospect to speak up and explain the situation to you. However, this doesn’t mean that you should not do your job of researching about their company. Gather enough knowledge about your customers. It will help you start a conversation and they would be happy to see that you are interested in them.
Apart from finding out about the problem, you have to find out why they can’t find a solution for their issue and the main roadblock. Understand the requirements of your prospects by asking the right kind of questions.
4. Determine whether the product fits in
After listening to the prospects’ answers, you have to sit back and put all the blocks together so that you can find out whether your product can solve the problem faced by prospects or not. Once you know that the product fits in or not, you can take the call. It is better to be honest and not waste the other person’s time when you know they won’t benefit from using your product. You will earn the prospect’s respect by doing so, and they will remember you. They may even refer you to a person who needs your product to return the favor.
5. Try to add value
You have to try to add value much beyond the features of the product you are offering. Mention the selling point that shows how valuable the product or service can be to the prospect. This selling point may vary from one prospect to another, but you have to use your creativity and determine what will seem suitable for each prospect. It can be anything from showing how your product can enable prospects earn higher revenue or help them save time by automating repetitive tasks. When prospects see that your product will help them, they will be more likely to purchase it.
6. Be creative
When you try to sell a solution, there is no chance of one size to fit all. You have to think out of the box to present new ideas and perspectives to prospects that they never thought about before meeting you. However, to do that, you have to thoroughly know the needs of the prospect and the challenges they face. Try to be a good listener with a creative bend. You might impress the prospects to the extent that they might close the deal immediately.
7. Sell outcomes and not only features
You have to focus on the outcome that our product or service gives and not the features. Prospects focus on what they would get rather than what you have to offer. As already mentioned, how your product will meet their needs is more important than what your product or service can do.
For example, instead of selling a SaaS product, try selling the prospects a solution to save their time and effort. They will be pleased to learn that you have a tool that resolves their problem and speeds up their work process.
Your customer will be satisfied when you sell a solution to them. They would be happy about your effort to personalize the whole selling experience for them and therefore want to build genuine connections with you. Such long-lasting relationships would help you, later on, get repeat business with the customer and even get you referrals when they talk about you to their friends and family. Therefore, by giving them an unforgettable customer experience, your business will flourish.
Look at things from the prospect’s perspective and understand the problems they face. Show them how your product can help alleviate the challenges they face. That is the right way to sell. No one is interested in knowing your product’s features. All they want to know is how it can help them. If you are able to convey that to your potential customers, you can win the sales game in no time! Do use the tactics shared above and see how they make a sea of difference in your conversion rates.
About the author
He works with several well-known firms to drive traffic and boost revenue. In addition, he has written several articles on a wide range of topics, including SaaS, brand building, sales, and search visibility.