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For as long as language has existed, so have stories; you can’t have one without the other. And that’s hardly surprising.
As long as humans have been around, we’ve constantly been telling each other stories, whether for the sake of sheer entertainment or to explain something about the world in which we live.
But did you know that stories are also an effective sales tool?
In this article, we’ll explain how and why storytelling is used in sales while also explaining how you can make use of this tactic yourself.
What exactly is storytelling within the context of sales?
Well, as you may have pieced together already, this simply involves telling someone a story to pique their interest in your products or services and entice them to buy.
This story might be about you and your personal experiences, about another customer of yours, or even about the history of the product or of your company.
The story you decide to tell depends on the desired effect and the context of the moment.
On the face of it, the idea of telling stories in sales sounds a little fanciful. But in actuality, stories make a lasting impact on people, often proving truly evocative and persuasive.
Think of it this way: are you more likely to remember the point of a story or a list of statistics and facts? We’d guess the former, right?
Of course, that’s not to say you shouldn’t back up your sales pitch with verifiable data.
Rather, it means that you should include them within a memorable story—something far more likely to stick in your customers’ heads.
Studies have shown that people really connect to stories. They provide a deeper emotional impact than any revealing statistics ever will!
Part of why people connect with stories so deeply is that they’re able to empathize with the characters and understand their points of view, leading to a lasting emotional impact.
In sales, this is incredibly useful—but why? Well, if you tell the story of someone who purchased one of your products and had a pain point resolved, your listener will be able to imagine what that must be like.
Perhaps they have a similar pain point themselves. In that case, listening to your story will make them imagine what your product could do for them.
There’s another reason why you might want to become a sales storyteller. Sales pitches are most effective when they help the client understand exactly how your product or service can help them.
Using a good story can help to illustrate this, providing further clarity to your sales pitch.
Rattling off a long, boring spiel filled with jargon and numbers is only likely to confuse your prospect and lose you a sale.
On the other hand, using a story can help you get your point across in a clear, engaging way.
Hopefully, we’ve already started to convince you of the power of using stories in sales. But now you might be wondering, how is it done?
Here are a few tips you should keep in mind when thinking about storytelling in sales:
What else is important when it comes to story telling? Sales stories, just like any other tale, should all contain the same key elements to be most effective. These are:
Different occasions call for different stories. In this section, we’ll explain some of the main types of stories you will be using in sales, depending on the situation.
Storytelling in sales examples include:
A good story can inspire, encourage, and even tug on the heartstrings.
If you’re looking for a way to liven up your sales pitches so that you can really connect with your prospects and keep them engaged, storytelling is the way to go.
We hope that this article has given you a few ideas as to how you can use stories in the salesroom.
Get thinking about some good stories you’ve heard over the years and consider how you might incorporate them into your sales routine.
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