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B2B Online Marketing Rule of Thumb — Be Unique

B2B Online Marketing Rule of Thumb – Be Unique
Remember that Oscar-winning movie American Beauty? That story reminded us that “there’s nothing worse in the world than being ordinary.”

Businesses also hold that mantra true to heart, as each thriving CEO or small business owner could only want nothing but to stand out from among the competition. Everyone wants to be unique — from the way they offer their products or services, the way they handle clients, the way they promote themselves online, and the way they maintain their reputation in people’s awareness.

This is where B2B lead generation becomes crucial. The manner by which you collect information and interest from target markets will also define whether you are a rare gem or an average Joe.

But what exactly does one need to do to be unique?

Assess your industry

First, you need to know the culture of the industry you belong in. How can you become unique when you don’t know what your fellow businesses are doing? You need to figure out exactly what they do on a daily basis that makes them who they are, and what their positions are in terms of marketing concepts and issues that are common in your niche.

As soon as you know everything there is to know about your competitors, you now know what not to do.

Look at different angles

Sometimes, people are looking at the exact same thing, but the way each person looks at it is different. As marketers, you need to see every alternative possibility for sending your marketing message out to the public. This is the time when you need to gather your team in one room and start brainstorming on activities and initiatives.

What is your message? How do you convey that message? Is that a unique way? If not, how can you make it unique? What approach do you need to change? How will it impact your overall message?

Walk the talk

People are easily intrigued by uniqueness. Whenever a new musician with a distinctive voice and style comes out, the popularity becomes unprecedented. The tricky part is living up to the expectations.

So when you go out there and reinvent your business image with something unique and never been done before, make sure you deliver. Your audience will easily notice you for doing something new, but they could be driven away as easily if you’re not able to turn out the way they had hoped.

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