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Author Archives: NASP Team

Are you who you need to be to achieve the success you desire?

We are conditioned to interact with each other and the world in certain ways because a functioning society has certain minimum expectations of its members. We learn to behave in ways that are expected of us, often without questioning whether those behaviors align with who we are, who we want to be, and what we […]

Are you who you need to be to achieve the success you desire?

We are conditioned to interact with each other and the world in certain ways because a functioning society has certain minimum expectations of its members. We learn to behave in ways that are expected of us, often without questioning whether those behaviors align with who we are, who we want to be, and what we […]

Why do people buy from you? 

When people seek a solution to a challenge or want to make a change in their life, they are either seeking to avoid pain or gain pleasure. With this in mind, it is essential to understand whether the product, process, or service you offer helps your prospect avoid a business problem or moves them closer […]

Upgrade Your Mental Operating System for Success

The strongest force in human nature is to stay true to the identity you hold of yourself. Your identity is made up of the beliefs, experiences, values, decisions, and judgments that distinguish who you are and make you unique. Your identity and your self-concept impact not only how you view yourself, but also how you […]

How to Create a Culture that Keeps Top Talent

If you’re having trouble attracting and retaining top talent, the key may lie in your corporate culture. In order to hire and hold on to talented employees, you have to know where your culture currently stands and where it needs to be. A growth company culture attracts top talent through strong company branding, drives high […]

Health: The Hidden Key to Productivity

Low productivity can be a problem for employees whether they are working from the office or from home, even before the pandemic. There have always been a multitude of reasons that might lead to poor employee productivity (PEP), such as not fully understanding their role or the expectations of their position, distractions from other employees […]

Creating Balance to Find Success

As a busy sales professional, you spend a lot of time focused on your career and your sales team’s success. Like other successful professionals, you may realize you neglect other areas of your life, like your mindset, health, and relationships.  In order to achieve at your highest level, you want to show up in your […]

What is Your Wealth Identity?

The strongest force in human nature is to stay consistent with the identity you hold of yourself. Your identity is who you believe you are: I am a sales person, I am a mother, I am a master influencer, I am not a closer, I am not good on the phone. Any statement that begins […]

The Hero’s Journey: Telling Stories to Increase Sales

The best salespeople and sales leaders are compelling storytellers. They can draw their audience in, keep their focus, and guide them to their outcome. Anytime they tell a story, they’re taking their listener on a journey: The Hero’s Journey.    There are seven key elements of a compelling and engaging story:    The Hero is […]

The Power of Purpose

Have you ever set out to do something new and simply lost interest along the way? Whether it’s making a decision to work out more often or learning to speak a new language, at some point, we’ve all been in a position where our old habits ended up trumping the new ones we wanted to […]