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Influencers Invited Sales Blog

How gripping bananas is a bad idea!

How gripping bananas is a bad idea! I’ve had a number of conversations this week about letting go. Let me give you some context…there you were living your life before COVID19…loving some aspects of your life, accepting or tolerating other aspects of your life and maybe disliking certain aspects. Then COVID19 arrives and you are […]

What is that inner feeling?

  Have you felt it?   We all have inner feelings all of the time…both positive and negative. You don’t always feel them because you spend so much time in y heads. You think about doing the gazillion things on your lists, calendars, planners or whatever else you use to control your world.     […]

How ready are you and your team?

How ready are you and your team? Right now…you may be feeling like you’re in a tunnel. You may be able to see the light far ahead…or you may only be seeing darkness. When there is a major change in the world or in your life it’s natural to feel like you’re in the dark […]

An easy Sales Mindset Lift for your team!

An easy Sales Mindset Lift for your team! 5 weeks in and you’re probably noticing a dip in energy and positivity in your sales team. So much is out of their control and the reality is well and truly taking hold. You need to prevent them from going too deeply into victim thinking or they […]

How are you responding in the pandemic?

How are you responding in the pandemic? I have observed all kinds of behaviours, reaction and emotions during the pandemic as it spreads across the world. From extraordinarily inappropriate and dumb through to heroic, selfless and kind. Not everyone has the skills to be heroic, selfless and kind all the time but we can make […]

How I’m managing during the lockdown

How I’m managing during the lockdown My office is in a buzzing and vibrant building filled with other businesses. We interact in the corridors, in the kitchen area and while waiting for our barista to make our favourite coffee. Sharing ideas, stories and anything else we fancy. Even on the days that I’m the only […]

Is your personal life getting in the way of your leadership?

Is your personal life getting in the way of your leadership? It’s easy to let the things outside of work affect our mood at work. It could be an argument with a loved one, a bad journey to work, financial issues, bereavement…the list of possibles is super long. You may think you hide what’s going […]

Why behaviour is your best clue!

Why behaviour is your best clue! How often do you listen to a sales person in your team telling you their plan for achieving and exceeding their sales target…only to observe them not doing what they planned throughout the month? It’s one of the biggest frustrations of sales leadership. Even when your team know exactly […]

Sales Kindness

A new way of selling? Sales Kindness: Firstly, I would like to acknowledge 2 people who inspired my thoughts in writing this piece, @John Espirian and @Mark Schaefer. Also a shout out to Noleen Thompson I only “met” John and Mark recently but they have changed my thinking. The Backstory….. About 3 weeks ago, I […]


Zorlu Müsterilerle Basa Çikmanin Yollari Eger caniniz soguk su içmek isterse ne yaparsiniz? Muhtemelen buna sahip olabilmek için en yakin marketten soguk bir sise su alirsiniz. Her ne meslek grubunda olursaniz olun, hayatinizin her aninda alici tarafa yani müsteri tarafina mutlaka geçersiniz bu bir sise su almak dahi olsa… Saticilar ile Alicilar arasindaki bu sonsuz […]