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Influencers Invited Sales Blog

Aptitude Tests

A few months ago, a young man who loved sales came to me for career counseling. He was angry. And when I say “angry” I mean “fit to kill” angry. Sometimes, in order to break the ice, I offer to play a quick game with my new clients. In his case, it was a mistake. […]

How To Get Recruiters To Help You In Your Job Search

Recruiters can be of tremendous help in your job search. Most often they are the gate keepers to the first interview. Gaining their help gives you a big advantage in today’s competitive job market. Recruiters fall into two basic categories. Either they are part of a Human Resources team of an organization or they are […]

Will You Pass the Flinch Test?

After a lengthy buying process, the time has come to submit pricing. Countless hours are spent formulating a glorious proposal that details your comprehensive solution. Proud of your accomplishment, you present the proposal to the buyer. Skipping the sections about your company and your solution, she flips right to the pricing page. “Oh my gosh, […]

Top Five Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

With interviews few and far between there is no such thing as a “practice” interview. Your interview skills must be perfect the first time and every time you interview. While there is no way to anticipate every question you may be asked, there are some questions that come up on a regular basis that universally […]

Does Your Business Need A Breakthrough?

How do you create a breakthrough in your business or your life? It’s hard to see the possibility, to see that you can create a breakthrough, especially when times feel hard or tough but what it comes down to is getting out of your own way. How do you stop your own success? Do you […]

The Ninth Time Management Secret

Nurture Helpful Relationships Early into one of my sales positions, my boss informed me that the operations manager was upset with me. I was too focused and task-oriented in my dealing with the company’s internal personnel who made things happen in the business. I’d come into the office, drop projects and requests on everyone’s desk, […]

Win a Second Interview With a Great Thank You Note

In today’s highly competitive job market employers are interviewing more candidates per job opening, making it even more difficult to stand out as the preferred candidate. Just as your resume helped you get the first interview, your post-interview thank you note works to help you win the second interview. The primary job of a thank […]

Success: Can a Life Map Steer You in the Right Direction?

Success is a personal journey. It looks different for each person. It is more than money, professional titles, or higher education degrees. Planning a life of success is about mapping out the aspects of your life. It is a holistic approach to success that includes mind, body and spirit. (Even if you are a corporate […]

Move Up In Your Career With a Resume That Says “Can Do!”

Do your career ambitions include a promotion to greater responsibilities? Are your efforts to move into management getting you no where in the job market? You are not alone. One of the most common career challenges is moving up the corporate ladder. As a career coach, one of the most frequently asked questions I get […]

Aggressive Is Not A 4 Letter Word

In the late 1970’s, as more and more small and medium size businesses selling the same products and services I was selling opened in my market, I thought, “It cannot get any more competitive!” I was wrong. In the 1980’s the big box discounters came to town with bigger and brighter stores. As I watched […]