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Influencers Invited Sales Blog

The Law of Large Numbers

7 Steps to a Robust Sales Funnel The adage of not putting all of one’s eggs in one basket certainly applies to the topic of sales. With a great deal of competition and a deep target audience for many to reach, sales training methods have recognized this reality. From Chicago sales training to sales and […]

If At First You Don’t Succeed

I suspect that you have heard the expression “If at first you don’t succeed try, try again.” This adage was created many decades ago and it remains true to this day. And even though many sales people understand it, they make a fatal mistake-they use the same approach although their original approach was not effective. […]

The Five Greatest Salespeople To Learn From

It is good to have an idol in sales, someone who you can look up to or learn from. This is true in the field of lead generation and appointment setting services. Think of generating sales leads as a rather thankless job, and you will realize why a lot of people leave after some time. […]

Building Your Own Brand for Baby Boomers

Utilizing Outlets on the Internet Those who are not accustomed to the benefits of social marketing outlets, as well as a well-designed website, can learn how to effectively utilize these mediums. They offer instrumental means to developing your business or business-related efforts. If you are a baby boomer looking for a way to jumpstart business, […]

Why Can’t Managers Make Decisions Any More?

Modern managing is hard. In years gone by managing was much easier. Everyone had clearly defined roles. You knew where the boundaries were. Managers ‘managed’. And workers ‘worked’. Decisions were made by managers, and the orders were carried out by the workers. The workplace functioned much like a military command and control structure. Sure, history […]

Proven Tip to Achieve Your Goals

Each year, millions set out to achieve their big, big goals and often start with the greatest of intentions but never make it to the finish line. The reason is simple, they do not set deadlines!. Deadlines can be used to your advantage and are proven to improve your success rate when trying to achieve […]

5 Ways to Sound More Natural On the Phone

I don’t know about you but I can always tell when a telemarketer is cold calling me. From the moment they begin speaking, “Hi is that Mr. Brooks?” to the way they fumble through their scripts, I have them pegged before they get past their first sentence. And like I’m sure it is with you, […]

When You Have no Sales Experience

Confidence is the Key! There is an ever present and all-industry challenge that many new to the job market are faced with: Getting a job without having any industry experience. This challenge is true with sales postions as well. While some eager to get into sales may solve this challenge by accepting an entry level […]

The “Inside Story” on Inside Sales Careers

When someone tells you that they are “in sales,” do you assume that they have an outside sales position or do you make no assumptions? Chances are that, like most, you associate “being in sales” with an outside sales position. And more than likely, you probably assume that the person with whom you are talking […]

What Are You Worth?

The other day I saw an interview with T. Harv Eker, author of the best selling book, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.” He said something that I thought was amazing. He said that he could speak with anyone for 10 minutes, and in that time he could predict their entire financial future. When I heard […]